Your organization is contemplating the purchase of a new human resource information system.



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Your organization is contemplating the purchase of a new human resource information system.
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Your organization is contemplating the purchase of a new human resource information system and has tasked you with formulating a proposal. Organizational details for you to consider for this assignment are as follows:

There are a total of 500 employees at the site; 450 non-exempt employees who clock in and out each day, and 50 exempt employees who do not use a time clock and are paid a standard weekly salary.
The organization has an electronic time capture and payroll system already in place that is:
Manually updated when employees are hired or terminate employment
A stand-alone application, not interacting with any other database system
Maintained by two full-time payroll administrators, reporting to one payroll manager
Human resource records are primarily paper-based:
Employee personnel files are maintained in file folders
Personnel files are manually updated with demographic, performance, and disciplinary information
Demographic data is available currently in an Excel database, which is manually updated
Personnel files are maintained by four full-time human resource clerks, who are non-exempt and report to the full-time HR manager

The new HRIS is expected to drive a self-service approach to records management, while also ensuring confidential and proprietary data is secure. For this milestone, you will be working on the gap assessment and informative visual maps. In a 4–5 page paper with a minimum of three scholarly sources, compare the current human resources data collection system with at least two new HR information systems that are being considered.

This assignment will assess the following course outcomes:

Illustrate the interdependency of HRIS systems with existing organizational data collection systems through informative visual maps
Design gap assessment processes that capture the critical organizational needs and requirements for the implementation of an HRIS system

Your paper should answer the following: What are the major factors to consider when an organization is considering upgrading or implementing a new human resource information system?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Gap assessment – What is the present situation (legacy system), the desired future state (new HRIS), and the gaps that exists between them for the following areas of the organization?
Information Systems – requirements for hardware and operating system software architecture
Human Resources – demographic employee data variables (distinguish which system maintains, how information is updated, any controls, and connectivity with other support functions) and security of the data (availability to functional levels, e.g. employee, manager, finance, operation managers)
Operations, Finance, Quality – productivity (more or less work) of employees (management/non-management) and cost versus benefit
An informative visual map illustrating:
the current state (no HRIS)
the future state (HRIS system in place)
the interdependency and/or replacement of other databases
What to Submit

Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: 4–5 pages; a minimum of three scholarly sources; double spacing; 12-point Times New Roman font; one-inch margins; and APA format for all elements.

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3/17/24, 5:47 PM
Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – OL-667-X3116 Human Resource Info Systems 24TW3
OL-667-X3116 Human Resource Info S…
Milestone One
Guidelines and Rubric
3/17/24, 5:47 PM

Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – OL-667-X3116 Human Resource Info Systems 24TW3

OL 667 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
Gap Assessment & Visual Map
Your organization is contemplating the purchase of a new human resource information system and has tasked you with formulating a pro
this assignment are as follows:
There are a total of 500 employees at the site; 450 non-exempt employees who clock in and out each day, and 50 exempt employee
weekly salary.
The organization has an electronic time capture and payroll system already in place that is:
Manually updated when employees are hired or terminate employment
A stand-alone application, not interacting with any other database system
Maintained by two full-time payroll administrators, reporting to one payroll manager
Human resource records are primarily paper-based:
Employee personnel files are maintained in file folders
Personnel files are manually updated with demographic, performance, and disciplinary information
Demographic data is available currently in an Excel database, which is manually updated
Personnel files are maintained by four full-time human resource clerks, who are non-exempt and report to the full-time HR m
The new HRIS is expected to drive a self-service approach to records management, while also ensuring confidential and proprietary data
the gap assessment and informative visual maps. In a 4–5 page paper with a minimum of three scholarly sources, compare the current hu
new HR information systems that are being considered. This milestone is due in Module Four.
This assignment will assess the following course outcomes:
Illustrate the interdependency of HRIS systems with existing organizational data collection systems through informative visual ma
Design gap assessment processes that capture the critical organizational needs and requirements for the implementation of an HR
Your paper should answer the following: What are the major factors to consider when an organization is considering upgrading or implem
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Gap assessment – What is the present situation (legacy system), the desired future state (new HRIS), and the gaps that exists betwe
Information Systems – requirements for hardware and operating system software architecture
Human Resources – demographic employee data variables (distinguish which system maintains, how information is updated,
functions) and security of the data (availability to functional levels, e.g. employee, manager, finance, operation managers)
Operations, Finance, Quality – productivity (more or less work) of employees (management/non-management) and cost versu
An informative visual map illustrating:
the current state (no HRIS)
the future state (HRIS system in place)
the interdependency and/or replacement of other databases
3/17/24, 5:47 PM
Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – OL-667-X3116 Human Resource Info Systems 24TW3
What to Submit
Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: 4–5 pages; a minimum of three scholarly sourc
one-inch margins; and APA format for all elements.
Milestone One Rubric
Exemplary (100%)
Proficient (90%)
Needs Improvement (70%)
Gap Assessment
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Analyzes gaps in current and
Analyzes gaps in current and
gives examples based on
future situations for critical
future situations for the
scholarly research
organizational needs for the
information systems area when
information systems area, but
misses some critical needs or
contemplating the
does not discuss identified
implementation of an HRIS
needs in sufficient detail
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Analyzes gaps in current and
Analyzes gaps in current and
gives examples based on
scholarly research
future situations for critical
organizational needs for the
future situations for the human
resources area, but misses
human resources area when
contemplating the
some critical needs or does not
discuss identified needs in
implementation of an HRIS
sufficient detail
(Information Systems)
Gap Assessment (Human
Gap Assessment
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Analyzes gaps in current and
Analyzes gaps in current and
gives examples based on
scholarly research
future situations for critical
organizational needs for the
future situations for the
operations, finance, and quality
operations, finance, and quality
areas, but misses some critical
areas when contemplating the
needs or does not discuss
implementation of an HRIS
identified needs in sufficient
Visual Map (Current State)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Clearly demonstrates the
Vaguely demonstrates the
logical sequence is apparent
current state of the existing
current state of existing data
and detailed
data collection system
collection systems
Visual Map (Future State)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
logical sequence is apparent
and detailed
Clearly demonstrates the major
aspects of the proposed HRIS
Vaguely demonstrates the
major aspects of the proposed
Visual Map
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
logical sequence is apparent
and detailed
Clearly demonstrates the
linkage and interdependency of
existing data collection systems
to a proposed HRIS
Vaguely demonstrates the
linkage and interdependency of
existing data collection systems
to a proposed HRIS
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-toread format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
3/17/24, 5:47 PM
Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – OL-667-X3116 Human Resource Info Systems 24TW3
3/17/24, 5:47 PM
Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – OL-667-X3116 Human Resource Info Systems 24TW3
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3/17/24, 5:43 PM
Self-Service Technology Brings Benefits and Concerns
Self-Service Technology Brings Benefits and Concerns
February 5, 2019 | Dave Zielinski
​ ired of answering the same questions over and over from employees and job candidates? Help is on
the way.
HR leaders are adopting employee self-service (ESS) and manager self-service (MSS) tools to improve
service, reduce labor costs and shift the responsibility for handling routine transactions from HR to
employees, managers and job candidates.
The 2018-2019 Sierra Cedar HR Systems Survey found that 78 percent of respondents currently use
ESS applications in their organizations, a number projected to rise to 87 percent within a year. Some
68 percent of respondents also use MSS tools, with that percentage projected to grow to nearly 80
percent in a year. The survey respondents were HR, information technology and operations leaders
from 1,636 small, medium and large organizations around the world.
Yet as more organizations turn to self-service technologies like digital assistants and chatbots driven
by artificial intelligence (AI), questions arise about whether humans should still play a role in these
3/17/24, 5:43 PM
Self-Service Technology Brings Benefits and Concerns
automated service transactions, pitfalls that accompany the benefits of self-service approaches and
what the accelerating move to do-it-yourself service portends for the HR function.
“The days of employees calling or e-mailing the HR service center for answers to routine questions
are almost over,” said Jeanne Meister, the founding partner of Future Workplace, an HR advisory and
research firm in New York City. “Those transactions are increasingly being handled by AI-driven
chatbots and other self-service apps. But one of the big questions is what happens to the HR staff
whose job it has been to handle those tasks? Much of that will depend on the investment companies
decide to make in upskilling the HR role.”
Examples of that investment might be helping recruiting assistants and coordinators develop new
skills and business acumen so they can partner with line managers, or enabling third parties to build
data science and digital literacy skills for analytics-related work.
[SHRM members-only online discussion platform: SHRM Connect – ( ) ]
The Case for Self-Service
Self-service tools applied in the right scenarios are paying dividends for HR functions, industry
vendors and employees who use the applications. Ultimate Software is one vendor that has expanded
the self-service tools in its cloud human capital management suite in response to growing demand.
The Weston, Fla.-based company has applications that allow employees to request time off, adjust
schedules or swap shifts with co-workers, check pay information, complete open enrollment, and
create personal profiles listing skills, certifications and licenses, said Pat Pickren, Ultimate Software’s
senior director of research and strategy.
Other industry vendors now offer sophisticated self-service tools that allow employees to make their
own changes to 401(k) contributions, review their performance evaluations and sign up for online
The benefits for employees are improved speed and access. Workers can access HR information
around the clock and receive faster approval for time-off requests. They no longer need to submit
forms or e-mail requests to HR to find out, for example, how much vacation time they have or to
access their pay data.
“On average, HR teams in our client companies receive more than 1,000 pay-related inquiries a year
from employees,” Pickren said. “That time can now be better used by HR to focus on more strategic
aspects of the business.”
For managers, systems like Ultimate Software’s allow authorized managers to analyze workforce
statistics on demand, review employee schedules or time-off requests, collaborate with peers on
3/17/24, 5:43 PM
Self-Service Technology Brings Benefits and Concerns
performance reviews and help make hiring decisions. New AI-driven virtual assistants from some
vendors can guide new managers through processes to open and close job requisitions or order
head-count reports.
“From the office, hotel or home, managers can view and update staff information, manage department
activities, post job openings or leverage recruiting tools,” Pickren said. “We want them to spend more
time making effective decisions and less time on HR administration.”
Executives at Paycom, a full-service provider of cloud-based HR platforms that has pioneered the use
of self-service technologies, believe that giving employees a direct relationship with an HR database is
a win-win solution for organizations.
“It brings new convenience and efficiencies to both employees and employers,” said Jeff York, chief
sales officer for the Oklahoma City-based firm. “Our research also shows that once employees grow
accustomed to making entries or changes themselves, they get more and more usage out of the
Paycom used data from a new study by Ernst & Young to calculate cost savings from the use of ESS
and MSS in its client companies versus having HR staff conduct those transactions. Across all 41
individual tasks studied, the average cost per data entry was found to be $4.39, with the highest costs
for benefits enrollment and the lowest costs for time management and onboarding. The study found
that labor costs constitute nearly all total costs related to these HR tasks. “This suggests an ability to
reduce or eliminate the time associated with performing these tasks could result in significant cost
savings,” the study’s authors wrote.
“For example, if we see 11,000 individual data entries made by employees but 72,000 entries or
changes made by HR staff or the employer, then there is significant return on investment available for
the employer,” York said. “There is the potential of significant savings in that organization from having
employees enter more of the data or make changes themselves.”
Need for ‘Human in the Loop’
There can be pitfalls to using self-service technologies. The chance of errors grows when companies
don’t provide employees with adequate training in using the tools, and security risks can arise when
broader access is granted to sensitive HR data. At times, chatbots or virtual assistants won’t be able to
fully answer employees’ or candidates’ inquiries.
Meister said the best vendors acknowledge the importance of including a human “fail-safe” by
designing that role into their AI-driven self-service tools. The process is known as “human in the loop,”
and Meister said HR leaders should make it an evaluation criterion.
“It’s designed for situations where an employee or job candidate is interacting with a chatbot or AI
application and become frustrated because their questions aren’t being answered,” Meister said. “In
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Self-Service Technology Brings Benefits and Concerns
those cases, the system automatically alerts a human to intervene, often through a text. What you
don’t want is an AI solution taking over routine tasks and then seeing your internal customer
satisfaction ratings or net promoter scores go down.”
Mark Brandau, senior vice president of solution management for SAP SuccessFactors, said HR should
be rigorous in evaluating the impact of its various service delivery channels, be they chatbots, portals,
case management processes, e-mail or phone calls.
“HR hasn’t always taken the time to measure the effectiveness of those different channels,” Brandau
said. “But it’s important to know which channels employees prefer, as well as which are delivering the
best service in the most cost-effective way.”
Pickren said Ultimate Software’s self-service applications are designed to augment and not replace
higher-touch human help for employees. “It’s never meant to replace human interaction altogether, but
rather to help employees take care of their more-routine tasks and requests,” he said.
Dave Zielinski is a freelance business writer and editor in Minneapolis.
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