you need Rstodio and Tableau to do this


Big Data Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism Management

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you need Rstodio and Tableau to do this
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1. In your own words, what is sentiment analysis? Please explain it in a way that your grandparents can understand. (15 pts)

2. Please collect 1,000 tweets from the Greater New York City area. I am interested in knowing Twitter (i.e., X) users’ sentiments of “third-party food delivery” in that region. Feel free to choose the keyword(s) that can best answer the questions.

What is the keyword(s) that you used for data collection? Why? (5 pts)
Please provide two (2) insights based on descriptive analyses using Tableau. (40 pts)*You must have visuals to support your analysis and interpretation.
What are the sentiments in the tweets? What is your interpretation? (30 pts)

*You must have visuals to support your analysis and interpretation.

Please copy and paste the codes of your search query from JSON editor to the last page of the assignment. This is beyond the three-page limit. (5 pts)
Submit the final dataset (i.e., excel/csv file) along with this assignment. (5 pts)

3. The maximum page limit is three (3), including text, tables, and figures. Please submit the assignment in the MS Word format.

o Typed, single spaced
o Times New Roman, 12-point font
o 1” margins on top, bottom and sides

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Big Data Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism Management (Fa23)
Assignment #2 (Due Nov. 14, 2023)
Sentiment Analysis (100 pts)
Please complete the following tasks and answer the questions.
1. In your own words, what is sentiment analysis? Please explain it in a way that your
grandparents can understand. (15 pts)
2. Please collect 1,000 tweets from the Greater New York City area. I am interested in
knowing Twitter (i.e., X) users’ sentiments of “third-party food delivery” in that region. Feel
free to choose the keyword(s) that can best answer the questions.
a. What is the keyword(s) that you used for data collection? Why? (5 pts)
b. Please provide two (2) insights based on descriptive analyses using Tableau. (40 pts)
*You must have visuals to support your analysis and interpretation.
c. What are the sentiments in the tweets? What is your interpretation? (30 pts)
*You must have visuals to support your analysis and interpretation.
d. Please copy and paste the codes of your search query from JSON editor to the last
page of the assignment. This is beyond the three-page limit. (5 pts)
e. Submit the final dataset (i.e., excel/csv file) along with this assignment. (5 pts)
3. The maximum page limit is three (3), including text, tables, and figures. Please submit the
assignment in the MS Word format.
o Typed, single spaced
o Times New Roman, 12-point font
o 1” margins on top, bottom and sides

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