Writing2: Academic writing Reading response


In this reading response, you are invited to explore and synthesize key ideas from James Paul Gee’s exploration of literacy within discourse communities , Porter’s examination of intertextuality, and insights into academic writing from Ede’s “The Academic Writer” chapters 5 and 7. Your response should reflect a deep engagement with these readings. How can you integrate their concepts to speak to how literacy practices, intertextuality, and the demands of academic writing intersect?

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Writing2: Academic writing Reading response
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Guiding Questions:

How does Gee’s concept of literacy within discourse communities enhance your understanding of literacy beyond traditional definitions? Consider how literacy functions within specific social and cultural contexts.
Reflect on Porter’s notion of intertextuality. How does understanding intertextuality influence your approach to reading and writing within academic contexts? Discuss with examples from your own experiences or the texts.
Drawing from Ede’s chapters, how do the skills and strategies of academic research and writing enable participation in scholarly conversations? How can you apply these strategies to develop your own academic voice and arguments?

Ideas for Engagement:

Compare and contrast Gee’s and Porter’s perspectives on how texts interact with each other and with their audiences. How do these interactions shape our understanding and production of texts?
Reflect on the role of academic research as described in Academic Writer. How does engaging with multiple perspectives, exploring a topic thoroughly, and synthesizing information contribute to the creation of new knowledge?
Consider your own position within various discourse communities. How do your literacy practices shift across different communities?
Tell a story, cite some examples, practice Discourse Analysis, raise some questions, spotlight a peer’s Perusall comments or discussions you’ve had in class!

Assignment Specifications:

Your response should be at least 500 words.
Include direct quotes and citations from the texts to support your analysis.
Engage with–and quote and cite–peer comments on Perusall to deepen your exploration of the themes.
Use paratextual elements (images, drawings, recordings, etc.) to complement your response creatively. How can these elements enhance your argument or provide additional layers of meaning?