Writing Response Questions


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Do the required number of identifications or essays for each section.
Please indicate each question you do by section, number and point value. You don’t need to copy
the question itself, though you may if you find it helpful. In addition:
 All writing and ideas must be your own. Any instances of plagiarism will result in a
grade of zero for that essay or ID.
 Examples and arguments must draw on posted sources only. This isn’t a research effort.

Avoid duplication/excessive overlap in your answers. Don’t use the same content for
more than one essay answer.
Please submit all your essays in a single Word or PDF document. (I cannot access .pages.)
Include your name on the document.
Part I. IDENTIFICATIONS (DO 4 @ 5 pts. each) – Total of 300+ words.
Each ID should consist of at least 2-3 complete, substantial sentences. It should provide a straightforward
identification of the term (who or what/where/when), along with additional information relating to
historical significance. NOTE: Avoid significant overlap with your essay answers. Some factual
overlap is fine; wholesale duplication isn’t.
Separate System
the Bloody Code
the panopticon
Cesare Lombroso
medieval sanctuary
the ordeal
Please note: Several of the following essay topics appear as both a 20-point question and a 15-point
question. If you want to do that topic, you must choose the 20-point or the 15-point question. You
cannot do both.
Part II. 15-POINT ESSAY QUESTIONS (DO 3 @ 15 pts. each) – Total of 600+ words.
Each essay should be approximately 150-300 words long, and provide a substantial discussion that
answers all parts of the question. Take care to support broad points with examples and specifics.
Discuss the main features of Beccaria’s ideal criminal justice system, with two examples of its realworld implementation or influence.
Discuss the changing forms of punishment in 18th-century England, briefly describing each of the
major options used and the rationale behind each.
Discuss the perceptions and patterns of crime in 18th-century London, as reflected in the reform
writings of Henry Fielding.
Discuss the 19th-century construct of the “dangerous classes” or “criminal classes,” focusing on the
presuppositions that gave rise to it and its distinguishing characteristics.
Discuss the position of female offenders in the 19th century, focusing on the gender-based factors
that influenced their situation and contributed to their high rate of recidivism.
Describe the two penitentiary systems implemented in the first half of the 19th century – the
Separate System and the Silent System – and discuss the rationale behind each.
Discuss the Garroting Panic of 1862 – what it was, and what it revealed about the interplay between
public fears, the popular press, the police and political agendas
Identify and discuss three 19th-century innovations that demonstrate the impact of science and
technology on criminology and the detection of crimes.
Discuss Cesare Lombroso’s principal claims, his underlying assumptions, and the type of evidence
he used to support those claims.
Describe the defining features of the Nazi politicization of policing, and their consequences
Part III. 20-POINT ESSAY QUESTIONS (DO 2 @ 20 pts. each) – Total of 800+ words.
Each essay should be approximately 300-500 words long, and provide a substantial discussion that
answers all parts of the question. Take care to support broad points with examples and specifics.
1. Compare the theories and arguments of Cesare Beccaria and Cesare Lombroso, with particular
attention to their respective assumptions, approaches, conclusions and impact.
2. Discuss the prison movement, from its genesis in the 18th century to the penitentiaries and
penitentiary systems established in the first half of the nineteenth century. Your discussion should
include some attention to the forces driving the prison reform movement and prominent figures in it.
3. Provide an in-depth discussion of the 19th-century construct of the “dangerous classes” or “criminal
classes,” with particular attention to the assumptions that gave rise to it, its defining characteristics,
and its connection to the political unrest and social, economic and industrial changes of the period.
4. Discuss the position of female offenders in the 19th century, with particular attention to the role
played by the prevailing feminine ideal; patterns of offending, the role played by social and economic
factors, and the treatment of women in the criminal justice system
5. Identify and discuss the various methods and approaches used over the centuries to establish guilt or
innocence, uncover the identity of a perpetrator, and identify and control suspect populations or
6. Identify and discuss the various explanations for crime as based in changing views of human beings
and human nature. Your essay should include the medieval and early modern view, the rationale put
forward by 18th century thinkers such as Beccaria, and the various explanations and underlying
premises offered in the 19th century.
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Ø The AI % of Turnitin.com should be below 5% from school requirement.

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