Writing Questions


I have 2 essays I want help with.everything is uploaded with sample essay to help and guide you. THIS WILL BE TWO SEPERATE ESSAYS The first is self reflection essay, this you will use the “self reflection essay template” and the “leadership traits questionnaire ratings” that I uploaded. The second essay will be “Path- goal- leadership assessment form” and there is an example also to help you.Please feel free to ask questions if something is not clear.

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Jane Doe
Reflection Paper
West Coast Ultrasound Institute, Beverly Hills Campus
During the leadership traits questioner, I felt a sense of nervousness to see wat my peers
truly thought about me and my leadership traits. There was a time during this questioner where I
wondered if what I thought of myself would match what they thought of me. This activity was a
great experience for me and it gave me some moments of disagreement along with some “okay
or ah-ha moment”. This test really opened up my eyes and look at things in different perspectives
in which gave me an overall understanding of what I need to improve on or what I’m excelling in
where I felt I was lacking. Here I will be discussing how my thoughts were with the overall
answers of my peers and how it’s something I disagree with or agree with and will move to
improve in.
First, I want to discuss the rating I truly felt that I disagreed with which was my overall
rating in being self-assured which was a 3.6. This rating truly caught me off guard since I always
felt that I came off so confident in myself and was confident in all my decisions. Being a leader
at my store you really have to be super confident and self-assured so I really thought that I was
almost always so confident and assured. Receiving this rating really made me look into myself
because I gave myself a 4 in this area just because I know sometimes I do second guess myself
but I really thought that I came off as confident in myself to others like I thought I was in myself.
What this rating really told me is that I might feel super confident and I might feel someway in
my mind but the way I’m perceiving myself to others is not that self-assured. After reflecting on
this I started to realize that maybe I need to act more confident in what I’m doing instead of just
thinking it.
Secondly there was a moment of “ah-ha” where I received a rating of 4.8 in Determined.
In this category I gave myself a 3 just because I have seen friends, family & collages work and
show their determination in ways I can only dream of so I always thought they were on a higher
pedestal than me. After seeing this rating, it actually almost made me cry, it made me feel like I
was not giving myself enough credit for determination. This made me go back and ask every
rater why they felt I was this rating then I gave them the rating I gave myself. To my surprise
they all agreed and said I was selling myself short in this area. The one thing they all agreed on is
that other people’s determinations are way different than my own. They also said that I cannot
compare myself to others and what they do because to me I see all of the things they are
determined about and then I think to myself like “wow they do so much I’m nowhere near that”
however its only because the things they do or are determined about is things I not interested in
or maybe something that to me would be difficult. This gave me my “ah-ha” moment because
they were so right! I was under-rating myself because I am determined, and I needed to realize
that because to me others seem more determined does not tank my own determinations and this
was truly special to me to know that others around me see me as a strongly determined person
and I just needed to see it for myself.
The area I feel like I need to improve on is being perceptive, this category was something
I knew I needed to work on from the beginning, I gave myself a 3 and others did as well. Being
perceptive you really need to understand and see things in a different view for others however for
me I don’t really see things in ways other ways than my own. Seeing things in my own way is
obviously something no one wants to only know how to do but it’s just the way my mind works.
I really need to get better at seeing things in another light or a different perspective. Sometimes
this trait actually holds me back or gets me stuck because I stand stuck wondering why someone
did something or I will repeat that what one person did made no sense, but at the end of the day
all these actions make no sense because I don’t look into a different perspective I just think like
that makes no sense to me and that I wouldn’t do that in a certain way but that’s just because of
me comparing it to how I would do it instead of seeing it in another person’s perspective.
I really enjoyed this experience with my peers, this test really bought out traits that I felt I
lacked in but others say me excelling. This test also made me realize that maybe I see myself
better at another trait when in fact others see me lacking in that particular trait. Another thing this
test made me realize is that there are traits I know I need to work on and its making me be open
to change and to learning from what they are telling me. This test is going to improve my
leadership skills and help me grow as a leader. I did this test with my actual work place since that
is where I utilize all my leadership qualities so me this test really brought out the actual thoughts
of my co-workers and really helped me understand what I think of myself and what others think
of me.
Northouse, P. (2016). Leadership. 7th ed. Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.]: SAGE, pp.38-39.
Jane Doe
Reflection Paper
West Coast Ultrasound Institute, Beverly Hills Campus
During the leadership traits questioner, I felt a sense of nervousness to see wat my peers
truly thought about me and my leadership traits. There was a time during this questioner where I
wondered if what I thought of myself would match what they thought of me. This activity was a
great experience for me and it gave me some moments of disagreement along with some “okay
or ah-ha moment”. This test really opened up my eyes and look at things in different perspectives
in which gave me an overall understanding of what I need to improve on or what I’m excelling in
where I felt I was lacking. Here I will be discussing how my thoughts were with the overall
answers of my peers and how it’s something I disagree with or agree with and will move to
improve in.
First, I want to discuss the rating I truly felt that I disagreed with which was my overall
rating in being self-assured which was a 3.6. This rating truly caught me off guard since I always
felt that I came off so confident in myself and was confident in all my decisions. Being a leader
at my store you really have to be super confident and self-assured so I really thought that I was
almost always so confident and assured. Receiving this rating really made me look into myself
because I gave myself a 4 in this area just because I know sometimes I do second guess myself
but I really thought that I came off as confident in myself to others like I thought I was in myself.
What this rating really told me is that I might feel super confident and I might feel someway in
my mind but the way I’m perceiving myself to others is not that self-assured. After reflecting on
this I started to realize that maybe I need to act more confident in what I’m doing instead of just
thinking it.
Secondly there was a moment of “ah-ha” where I received a rating of 4.8 in Determined.
In this category I gave myself a 3 just because I have seen friends, family & collages work and
show their determination in ways I can only dream of so I always thought they were on a higher
pedestal than me. After seeing this rating, it actually almost made me cry, it made me feel like I
was not giving myself enough credit for determination. This made me go back and ask every
rater why they felt I was this rating then I gave them the rating I gave myself. To my surprise
they all agreed and said I was selling myself short in this area. The one thing they all agreed on is
that other people’s determinations are way different than my own. They also said that I cannot
compare myself to others and what they do because to me I see all of the things they are
determined about and then I think to myself like “wow they do so much I’m nowhere near that”
however its only because the things they do or are determined about is things I not interested in
or maybe something that to me would be difficult. This gave me my “ah-ha” moment because
they were so right! I was under-rating myself because I am determined, and I needed to realize
that because to me others seem more determined does not tank my own determinations and this
was truly special to me to know that others around me see me as a strongly determined person
and I just needed to see it for myself.
The area I feel like I need to improve on is being perceptive, this category was something
I knew I needed to work on from the beginning, I gave myself a 3 and others did as well. Being
perceptive you really need to understand and see things in a different view for others however for
me I don’t really see things in ways other ways than my own. Seeing things in my own way is
obviously something no one wants to only know how to do but it’s just the way my mind works.
I really need to get better at seeing things in another light or a different perspective. Sometimes
this trait actually holds me back or gets me stuck because I stand stuck wondering why someone
did something or I will repeat that what one person did made no sense, but at the end of the day
all these actions make no sense because I don’t look into a different perspective I just think like
that makes no sense to me and that I wouldn’t do that in a certain way but that’s just because of
me comparing it to how I would do it instead of seeing it in another person’s perspective.
I really enjoyed this experience with my peers, this test really bought out traits that I felt I
lacked in but others say me excelling. This test also made me realize that maybe I see myself
better at another trait when in fact others see me lacking in that particular trait. Another thing this
test made me realize is that there are traits I know I need to work on and its making me be open
to change and to learning from what they are telling me. This test is going to improve my
leadership skills and help me grow as a leader. I did this test with my actual work place since that
is where I utilize all my leadership qualities so me this test really brought out the actual thoughts
of my co-workers and really helped me understand what I think of myself and what others think
of me.
Northouse, P. (2016). Leadership. 7th ed. Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.]: SAGE, pp.38-39.
Leadership Assessment Form
Path-Goal Leadership
Instructions: This questionnaire contains questions about different styles of path– goal leadership. Indicate how
often each statement is true of your own behavior.
Key: 1 = Never 2 = Hardly ever 3 = Seldom 4 = Occasionally 5 = Often 6 = Usually 7 = Always
1. I let followers know what is expected of them.
2. I maintain a friendly working relationship with
3. I consult with followers when facing a problem.
4. I listen receptively to followers’ ideas and suggestions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. I inform followers about what needs to be done and how
it needs to be done.
6. I let followers know that I expect them to per- form at their
highest level.
7. I act without consulting my followers.
8. I do little things to make it pleasant to be a member of the
9. I ask followers to follow standard rules and regulations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10. I set goals for followers’ performance that are quite
11. I say things that hurt followers’ personal feelings.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12. I ask for suggestions from followers concerning how to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
carry out assignments.
13. I encourage continual improvement in followers’
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14. I explain the level of performance that is expected of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15. I help followers overcome problems that stop them from
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
carrying out their tasks.
16. I show that I have doubts about followers’ ability to meet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
most objectives.
17. I ask followers for suggestions on what assignments should 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
be made.
18. I give vague explanations of what is expected of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
followers on the job.
19. I consistently set challenging goals for followers to attain. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20. I behave in a manner that is thoughtful of followers’
personal needs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. Reverse the scores for Items 7, 11, 16, and 18.
B. Directive style: Sum of scores on Items 1, 5, 9, 14, and 18.
1, 3
C. Supportive style: Sum of scores on Items 2, 8, 11, 15, and 20.
D. Participative style: Sum of scores on Items 3, 4, 7, 12, and 17.
E. Achievement-oriented style: Sum of scores on Items 6, 10, 13, 16, and 19.
Scoring Interpretation
A. Directive style: A common score is 23, scores above 28 are considered high, and scores below 18
are considered low.
B. Supportive style: A common score is 28, scores above 33 are considered high, and scores below 23
are considered low.
C. Participative style: A common score is 21, scores above 26 are considered high, and scores below
16 are considered low.
D. Achievement-oriented style: A common score is 19, scores above 24 are considered high, and
scores below 14 are considered low.
The scores you received on the Path–Goal Leadership Questionnaire provide information about which
styles of leadership you use most often and which you use less often. In addition, you can use these scores
to assess your use of each style relative to your use of the other styles.
Reflection: Please discuss your results and explain why you may feel more comfortable displaying a
certain leadership style. Please be sure to include examples of when you have used a particular style.
For Directive style, my score generated to be 29, which is considered high on the assessment scale. I know for fact that I am so
directive towards people who present themselves to me as followers. I think of a follower as someone like a servant, and provides good
energy to the team. During 2008 to 2010, I worked as an employee for Kroger Grocery. During my last couple of months with the company
the managers assigned me as floor manager and front end trainer. Many of the front end staff were also seeking to step into my shoes as floor
manager right after I have officially resigned.
When working this leadership position, I would inform my followers they must be aware I want to know what is expected of them, so
therefore when the position is handed over to them they will come to them easy. Plus, give feedback on how jobs should be done. And 3 ,
know what level of performance managers would be looking for. Also, I would share with them the standard rules and regulations. The
information I provided you indicate that I am an over the top directive employee and will always remain to stay that way. So when the time
comes for me to step back into my leadership shoes I can know how to push my people.
Next, I received a 25 for supportive, which stands 3 points above a low of 23. Yes, being supportive can be difficult cause I am
normally an independent worker. Sometimes, being bothered by others while I am working aggravates me so this takes away my friendly
working relationship. For instance, my verbal attitude can sometimes bring harsh feelings that are very unattended for what is expected of
me. I worked for Cracker Barrel Old Country Store for two years and there were some days I would be upset about having low hours for the
upcoming week. Co-workers would try to talk with me and I just did not care to hear it. Like most days when I was in a good mood, I worked
to set good examples for others, providing motivation to the team, and demonstrating diligence.
Moving on, I received a score of 22 in perspective style. I know for fact, I often listen to followers’ ideas and suggestions, and I ask for
suggestions from followers concerning how to carry out assignments. But these don’t happen all the time, So therefore I can see why my
perspective style number landed below 23. And lastly, achievement-oriented style with a score of 23. I myself am a goal oriented person so I
would like my followers to be as well. But I can say setting challenging goals for others are something I do not do. I would never pressure
my followers to perform at a high level. I will teach them the ropes and allow them to work their way up the company’s ladder without all the
pressure of micromanagement.

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