Writing Question


Tourism is a very experiential discipline. The Travel Critique paper is a 3-5 double-spaced
page paper in which the student experiences a place, attractions, event, etc. as a tourist and
discusses their experience and critiques each aspect of the experience as a future
a. The paper should be written from the point of view of a critic or tourism author. The paper needs to include:
a. A detailed description of the tourism activity/event
b. A critique of the tourism activity/event from the consumer’s point of view as well as
a critique as a future tourism professional
3. The paper should be divided into three different sections.
a. One section is an overview of the tourism experience and why this experience was
b. The second section is a critique of the experience as a consumer.
c. The third is a discussion of the experience and how you would modify the
event/entity if you were in charge.
4. Format
a. APA style – 12pt, Times New Roman, double-space
b. One inch margins all around
c. Must cite sources if any
d. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages!

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