Writing Question


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Writing Question
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Write a 10-15 page paper (plus cover and reference list) in which you will address ONE of the following topics:

A comparison of at least three contemporary Leadership theories addressing leadership at the individual, group, organizational, and global levels.
Review of Contemporary Hiring Practices
Use of Personality Tests in Industry (Pre and Post Hire)
Use of Feedback in Assessing and Developing Employees
A Review of Types of Performance Appraisals and the Debate over Their Usefulness


IMPORTANT: Indicate on the cover page which program you are in (General Psychology or IO Psychology).
Minimum of 10 references from peer-reviewed psychological journals
Using APA 7 th Edition Format (see rubric)
Please note that you are required to use subsection and major section headings for each of the following topics in order to clearly present the information that is germane to each of the following topics. Failure to do so can result in the document being returned ungraded until you include the required section headings. This will result in a late penalty being assessed for resubmission.

Week 7 Assignment Part 3 of Major Paper – A Review of Types of Performance Appraisals.docx
Week 7 Assignment Part 3 of Major Paper – Use of Feedback in Assessing and Developing Employees.docx
Week 7 Assignment Part 3 of Major Paper – Use of Personality Tests in Industry (Pre and Post Hire).docx
Week 7 Assignment Part 3 of Major Paper – Review of Contemporary Hiring Practices.docx
Week 7 Assignment Part 3 of Major Paper – A Comparison of Contemporary Leadership Theories.docx