Writing Question


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Assignment Option 1: Considering Cultural Influences on Sexuality
through Queer Love in Color
(DO NOT remove the template text from the assignment document.)

Fill in this template document with your responses after each of the numbered prompts
found below. Your responses should be original (that is, in your own words) and written
in complete sentences. (Please replace “[Add Title]” with a brief, thoughtful title
connected to the two chapters or relationships on which are focusing your assignment.)

Keep the formatting on this page for margins, spacing, and font size and color as they
are set now. You may include bold or italics or even all caps within your text if needed.

Include full references of all the sources you used at the end of the document after
“References”. You should at least include Jamal Jordan’s “Queer Love in Color” along
with any other sources you consulted. A complete reference includes (1) the name of the
author, (2) the year the media was released, (3) the title of the media, and (4) the
distributor or publisher of the media. You can also consult ASU Library’s citation guide
for additional help.

Add your name at the top of this page and save your complete, filled-in template as an
accepted file type (.doc, docx, or pdf) to submit for your assignment.

Please note the length guidelines after each prompt, edit your work so that it is clear and
concise, and aim to keep your full assignment within 3 – 5 pages.
[Add Title] (1pt)
1. Identify the two chapters that you have chosen to focus on for your assignment and, in one
or two sentences, describe why you chose to focus on them. You need to include the names of
the individuals used as the title and the subtitle, which includes the location of the interview and
the year the relationship began. (2 pts; length 1 short paragraph of 2-4 sentences)
2. Describe the regional, cultural, and/or social settings that were/are influential for the
individuals in the two chapters. How are these settings connected to the time-period,
occupation, family relations, religion, or other sociocultural aspects that are described in the
ASB 210: Human Sexuality – Anthropological Perspectives
chapters? Please make your response comparative between the two chapters and, if applicable,
between the individuals within each chapter. (4 pts; length 1-2 paragraphs)
3. Describe the individuals in each chapter and the dynamics of their relationship. For example,
what have you learned about the individuals’ intersectional social identities? How has their lived
history either affected the development of their relationships or is affected by being in their
current relationship? Your response should specifically include comparisons between the
individuals/relationships in your two chosen chapters. (4 pts; length 1-2 paragraphs)
4. Summarize the two chapters by providing a thoughtful response to the following questions:
(1) How have the relationships described in each chapter been affected by the
regional/social/cultural settings? (2) How has being in these relationships affected the
individuals’ navigation of these settings? For example, has it made individuals’ lives more
complicated, has it been a source of strength, or both? Finally, (3) write a concluding
statement/paragraph that summarizes the queer experiences from the two chapters and
describes how reading and writing about these experiences has affected your own view of
social/cultural influences on human sexuality. (5 pts; length 2-3 paragraphs)
5. References for all sources used. (1 pt – scoring includes consideration of overall
formatting/clarity in addition to inclusion of full references)
ASB 210: Human Sexuality – Anthropological Perspectives
ASB 210: Human Sexuality – Anthropological Perspectives
Assignment Option 1: Considering Cultural Influences on
Sexuality through Queer Love in Color
For this assignment option* you will consider the relationship experiences of queer individuals
of color who were interviewed for the book “Queer Love in Color” by Jamal Jordan. You will
choose two different sets of relationships (chapters) on which to focus for this assignment.
Following the prompts found in the assignment template, you will compose responses that
address how aspects of the individuals’ social identities and cultural settings have affected the
development of their current relationships and how these relationships have affected their
navigation of cultural settings and identities.
Points possible: 17
*Please note that you can only submit one assignment option in Module 5 for credit.
First and foremost, this assignment will give you the opportunity to read and consider the lived
experiences of queer individuals of color who are in fulfilling queer relationships. The
accounts of these interviews, conducted and written by queer Black author and
photojournalist Jamal Jordan, provide perspectives on how intersectional identities relate to
experiences involving sexuality and relationships in American and South African cultural
settings. By considering the prompts for this assignment and composing thoughtful responses
describing and comparing two specific relationship descriptions from this book, you will
explore the complexity of cultural influences on human sexuality in a new way.

Read and consider the relationship experiences of queer individuals of color

Identify how the social identities of these individuals affected their experiences related
to sexuality and developing queer relationships within cultural settings

Describe and compare the experiences and the effects of intersectional identities
from two different chapters in short, clear, and thoughtful written responses

Read at least six relationship experiences described in “Queer Love in Color”.

Choose two different relationships (chapters) in the book for your assignment.

Contact the course instructor to check that all questions can be answered for the
chapters you selected.

Re-read these two chapters and take notes on:
ASB 210: Human Sexuality – Anthropological Perspectives
◦ The cultural/regional setting(s) that the individuals in each relationship describe
as being important to their identity, development, and/or experiences
◦ Each individual’s description of their self-concept or identity as related to their
sexuality/sexual orientation and other aspects of their social identity as well as their
experiences in their current relationship
◦ How the current queer relationships that the individuals are in affect or have
affected their self-concepts and identities and how they navigate their
cultural/societal settings

Compose thoughtful written responses to the prompts in the assignment template
describing and comparing these individuals’ intersectional experiences within specific
cultural settings.
Criteria for success
In order to be successful in this assignment, plan to do the following:

Read through the description of the assignment above.

Download and use the assignment template, which includes all of the prompts that
you will need to address to complete this assignment.

Carefully read through many relationships in “Queer Love in Color” and the prompts in
the template document before choosing the two relationships (chapters) on which
you will focus for your assignment.

Choose the two relationships (chapters) from the book as early as possible, and
take notes as described above.

Take time to compose your descriptive and comparative responses as thoughtfully and
clearly as possible.

Fill in your responses on the assignment template following all formatting instructions
on that document.

Share your draft with the course instructor to receive constructive feedback on your
draft well before the deadline of the assignment.

Proof read your responses for clarity, grammar, and spelling, and edit as needed!
(You can seek help through the ASU Writing Center for tips and guidance on general
writing-related strategies as well.)

Save your completed assignment template as an accepted file type (.doc, docx, or pdf)
and then check (or “pregrade”) your final version with the associated rubric that will
be used for grading before you submit it.

Submit your completed assignment file on Canvas, and then check that it was
submitted correctly in “Grades”.

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