Writing Question


Assignment: Find a news articles, video, or other social media content that either discusses or illustrates how UAS technology has been used in ongoing conflicts around the world. Submit a one page report that includes the following:Provide content location: Identify a website, magazine article, online video, audio or video podcast, book or other media that either illustrates or describe how UAS technology has been used in an armed conflict. If it is an offline source like a book or magazine article, give the title of the book or magazine article and the date it was published. If it was an online source, provide a URL or other information that would allow someone else to find it.Say why you chose this content: Provide a short statement why you think this content was interesting to you or why it should be interesting to other people.Identify the author: Include the name of the author or creator if available. That may be an identifiable person (including a screen name), an organization, or the website or social media platform hosting the content. If the content was created by one person or entity and published by another person or entity, please make that clear (for example a U.S. government video shown on a CNN website).Identify the context: Identify the conflict associated with the content, including any available information.

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