Writing Question


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Assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 3000 words (100%)
which integrates theory and practice. The assignment must include a clear
structure with abstract, list of references, appendices, and diagrammatic
representation where appropriate. You must make appropriate use of journal
articles, research papers and texts.
The assignment must contain:
1. A critical literature review of key theories of the nature and exercise of
leadership in organisations (40% of the available marks)
2. A critical evaluation of the behaviour of selected leaders that you have
encountered in the course of your career, in relation to a range of theories of
leadership (40% of the available marks)
3. A summary of the learning you can take from this assignment for your own
practice and development as a leader (20% of the available marks)
To preserve confidentiality, please anonymise the organisation or
organisations you discuss in the assignment, eg by calling them Company X,
or Governmental Organisation Y, or International Organisation Z. Similarly,
where you write about private individuals, call them manager A, or leader B.
Note the mark allocations to each part of the assignment.
For part two of the assignment, you should include a brief explanation of how
you know about the behaviour of the leaders you are discussing: for example,
did you work for them? Or alongside them? If so, for how long? In order to
enable you to undertake a thorough analysis, you are advised to discuss only
two, or at most three, individuals. Make sure that you analyse their behaviour
in relation to published theories of leadership.
For part three of the assignment, you should include specific points about
what you will do to develop your leadership capabilities.
To preserve confidentiality, please anonymise the organisation or
organisations you discuss in the assignment, eg by calling them Company X,
or Governmental Organisation Y, or International Organisation Z. Similarly,
where you write about private individuals, call them manager A, or leader B.
N.B. The word count will include quotations but exclude footnotes,
bibliography, appendices, tables and graphs. Appendices will not count
against the word limit but should not contain large amounts of text. (It will be
expected that they will normally contain diagrams or tables or visual images).
If you exceed the wordcount by more than 10%, you will be penalised.
See the final page of this module’s Handbook for assessment criteria.
This task has a weight of 100% and the deadline to complete is 04 Jan 2024,
© 2023 Ro
Good leadership is a crucial part of any organization. T
Literature Review
Brief description about what you wrote
Way forward

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