Writing Question


Reflective essay on reading material

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Writing Question
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Pay attention to how reading can change the way you think about cities, climate adaptation, and the built environment. Describe your views on New York’s ecology, climate, humanities and architecture through reading combined with your own experiences through movies, travel or the Internet. The central idea is clear and the evidence is supportive.

This will be an academic paper. Preferably no grammatical errors. As well as having more personal reflections. For example: Conduct a philosophical and historical exploration of urban ideas through comparisons between the city you live in [please read travel experience instead] and reading materials

That’s it.

Papers must be typed, double-spaced, arial, size 12. Also includes footnotes and bibliography. Use MLA format.

I will use the following criteria to evaluate your critical essay:

-A clear introduction of the issue for analysis

-A clearly stated thesis

-Careful and logical use of textual evidence to support your thesis

-Careful organization of ideas and careful reasoning

-Correct documentation of sources

-A strong and clear conclusion

-Effective and clear writing, including correct grammar, precise word choice, varied sentence patterns, etc.