Writing Question


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Product or Idea Pitch, a Two-Part Project
Part 1: Concept Paper [Draft for Peer Review]
Project overview: You can choose from one of two tracks for the assignment:
1. Introduce a new product or
2. Introduce an existing product to another country.
Once your idea is approved, you’ll make a Pitch presentation and a Pitch Deck.
Track 1: Introduce a New Product
Students selecting this track will produce a concept paper and pitch that follow the
requirements of the Stella Zhang New Venture Competition. By the end of the quarter,
you’ll have a solid concept paper and pitch ready if you choose to compete.
Product selection, Track 1: The product must be a completely new product or a better
version of an existing one that is affordable to most Americans. In addition,
1. A new service or a digital product may not be used.
2. If you’ve already submitted a concept paper for the New Venture Competition, you
may not use the same idea or paper for MGMT 191W. However, we encourage you
to use the original work you create for MGMT 191W for the competition.
Track 2: Introduce an Existing Product to Another Country
Students selecting this option will introduce an existing product to a country they are not
familiar with. Here are the requirements for both the product and the country you choose.
Product selection, Track 2: The product must be an existing one that is affordable to the
people in the country you’ll be introducing it to. In addition,
1. It must be a consumer product; that is, an item of common or daily use, typically
bought by individuals for private consumption.
2. It must be a product consumers can purchase in brick-and-mortar, physical stores
in that country.
3. Although the product you choose may already be available in the country, your goal
is to find one that is not already easily available in the country.
4. It cannot be a product consumers rent or that they must subscribe to, such as a
meal service.
5. It cannot be for commercial use only.
Country selection, Track 2: The country you use for the report must be one you have
never visited, are not from, do not have any cultural ties to, have any relatives from, or
know very much about.
Deliverable for Both Tracks: Concept Paper
Length: 3 pages (about 1,500 words), plus a cover page, and a list of references.
The references page should include sources you used to support assertions made in the
concept paper. Please use APA format for the citations, both in-text and for the reference
page (see the textbook or the OWL guide to APA citations
Links to an external site.
). Here’s a helpful flow chart for deciding whether a source should be cited
Links to an external site.
Format: Single-spaced, double-spaced between paragraphs. Use descriptive headings to
guide the reader and follow the structure posted in Canvas. Graphics should be included
as a appendix and not as a part of the three pages.

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