Writing Question


Paper and PowerPoint will be on Puerto Rico

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Writing Question
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Name: Sasha Soto

Class: ethnic groups in the us

Professor: Steven Gradman

As stated in the syllabus, you need to write a paper, at least six pages long, followed by a bibliography, listing your references, at least one of which must be a book. The topic of your paper is immigration to the US by any ethnic group that you pick. First, pick an ethnic group and a country. Wait for my approval before you do your research. after you get my approval, you need to write the following:

A brief history of the country

A description of the ethnic group (some countries have several ethnic groups)

A history of this ethnic group’s immigration into the United States. When did it start? When did it peak?

Describe the culture of this ethnic group (food, music, religious customs, clothing, etc.)

You also need to do a PowerPoint presentation on the same topic. The 1st slide must include your name and the name of your topic, this is your title slide.

The rest of your slides should feature pictures from Google images and bullet points. You can keep the rest of the text in your own notes that you read to the class