Writing Question


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Writing Question
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Before writing this reflection, think about what your experience has been like this semester. Then write a one page reflection paper. Your paper should be one page (with 12 point type and reasonable spaces and margins). I expect college level writing in your paper. Please be thoughtful and honest in your reflection paper, but avoid uncivil or inflammatory language. Be sure to answer each of the following questions in your paper:

Overall, what has your experience been like in this class this semester? What was something you learned about yourself?
What were some things you disliked about this class?
What were some things you liked about the class?
If you could change something about this class, what would it be?
Would you recommend this class to future students? Why or why not?


1. Tips for Better Listening
Talk Less

If your true goal is to understand the speaker, you need to talk less. That doesn’t mean don’t talk at all—feedback is an important part of good listening. But give the other person a turn once in a while. People will have a much more positive impression of you if you give them a chance to talk.

Eye Contact

Look at people while you are listening to them. It lets them know you are paying attention.

Get Rid of Distractions

You can be more effective if you do everything you can to get rid of distractions, both internal and external.

Don’t Judge Ahead of Time

We all let our assumptions about others and stereotypes affect us at times. We need to listen well enough to understand the speaker’s ideas before we judge.

Ask Questions

This helps you verify your perceptions and helps to increase your understanding.


Repeat back important concepts that you are hearing in your own words. This is helpful to confirm our impressions and perceptions.

2. What is Delivery?

Delivery is defined as the giving of the speech to an audience. It is what you are doing with your face, your voice and your body while you are up in front of an audience. It is actually the most important aspect of your presentation because it is the only part the audience sees.

Here are some helpful reminders to help you to be successful:

Don’t sell yourself short.
Be positive about topic, audience, and yourself.
Be assertive, take control.
Preparation is Key

I can’t even begin to count the numbers of students who have come to me over the years on the day their speech or presentation was due to say to me, “Nancy, I’m not ready. If I just had one more day, I could give a really good speech.” I’ll tell you a secret: You DO have one more day. Don’t wait until the last minute. A good bit of anxiety comes from not knowing what to expect. The more prepared you are, the better you will feel. The more prepared you are, the more successful you will be.

Note Cards

You are allowed to use notes during your presentation. In fact, you are highly encouraged to use notes.

But PLEASE don’t read your presentation word for word.

Write words and phrases on the cards, rather than complete sentences. You should probably write your source citations on the note cards. It is easy to forget to say them if you don’t have them written on the cards.

Notes: you can use the lecture that I attached what I learned from the class and why I would recommend someone to take it. I would recommend the class to have an extra credit opportunity and avoid having one assignment worth so many point comparing to others because what if I have something going on in my life during the time of that assignment due date which will put me on risk for failing the class.