Writing Question


Download and complete the Peer Review Worksheet. Complete all tasks with substance (more than just “yes” or “no”).

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Week 3 Peer Review Worksheet
(The worksheet begins on page 3, but please review page 1 very carefully.)
Stop. Are you reviewing a classmate who already has a review or reviews? Remember: Review a
classmate with no reviews if at all possible.
Required Resources

Your chosen classmate’s main post, including their Week 3 Argument Research Essay
Proposal Worksheet

You will complete the peer review worksheet on pages 2-3 of this document and
attach the completed Peer Review Worksheet as a reply to the classmate’s initial post.

Peer Reviews are due posted by Saturday night.

Try to review classmates who do not yet have any reviews.

Do not copy or plagiarize in any way in the Writing Workshop.
Very Important Reminders:

Be honest yet kind and supportive.

It is understood that you are not an English teacher. Writing workshops are not
designed that way. Rather, this is your chance to commune with other writers for growth
all around. Your answers to peer review questions will be based on your understanding
and completion of your own prewriting and planning worksheet.
©2021 Chamberlain University

Students are not required to use the feedback given to them by classmates; this
activity helps you see how many others have approached the assignment, how you can
personally do better, and how you might support other learners.

Your instructor will not critique anyone publicly here. This is your space for
interaction. Your instructor will post resources throughout the week for the class, but the
instructor will not “butt in” on the review process.

Again, be kind and supportive in every word you write for a peer review.

The peer review sheet begins on the next page. You do not need to include this
instructions/reminders page when you post the review if you do not wish to.

Type or write by hand- either is fine, as long as it is readable.
©2021 Chamberlain University
Your Name: (write your name here)
The Name of Your Classmate Being Reviewed: (write your classmate’s name here)
Peer Review Questions – Required – Please type your answers in the right-hand column below.
Before you answer questions about each part of
your classmate’s worksheet, read through all of
their responses in all parts. What about their
topic, main ideas and details do you like best?
Please share at least two things you feel will
work well for an Argument Research Essay, or
things you feel will appeal well to a reader.
In Part 1A of the worksheet, does the student
clearly state their stance? Is their stance an
arguable one?
Respond in at least 2 full sentences.
Respond in at least 2 full sentences.
If so, please discuss what you like about it and
what made it effective.
If not, please explain how you feel the stance
needed to be clearer.
In Part 1B of the worksheet, did the student
thoroughly explain why their stance was a good
choice? Did they give effective examples?
Respond in at least 2 full sentences.
If you feel the paragraph was effective, please
explain why and how they can expand in moving
If you feel the stance needs work in any way,
please write suggestions for clarification your
classmate can make.
In Part 1C: Does the student present effective
opposing viewpoints?
Respond in at least 2 sentences.
Are the opposing viewpoints strongly
presented? If yes, how. If no, how could they
improve on them?
©2021 Chamberlain University
Part 1D: Does the student effectively present
their audience?
Respond in at least 2 full sentences.
If yes, who is their audience and how will this be
relevant to that population?
If no, who should the target audience be and
Part 2: Did your classmate develop a 7-9
sentence paragraph?
Respond in at least 2 full sentences.
Did this paragraph explain what they
understand about the topic and what they will
need to research?
Part 3: Look at your classmate’s list 5 possible
phrases to search?
Respond in at least 2 full sentences.
Do you feel these are good search phrases? If
yes, why? If no, offer suggestions for helpful
search phrases.
©2021 Chamberlain University
©2021 Chamberlain University
Argument Research Essay Proposal
©2021 Chamberlain University
Argument Research Essay Proposal
Please complete all 3 parts of this template using the example proposal template from the assignment
instructions as your guide. Download this file, complete your answers, save and upload to the
assignment submission area.
I. Based on your current favorite choice for a topic/debate within the course theme
announcement, answer the following:
A. State your stance within the debate you chose, without using “I.” (1 sentence)
With increased resources for free birth control, Abortions should be made illegal in all states.
B. Why is your stance a good one for an argument research essay? (at least 3 sentences)
Abortion is the termination of a fetus or an embryo and is also considered murder. In addition,
abortions should be illegal so women can take accountability for their actions in casual sex.
Lastly, there are other options, such as adoption and giving the child a chance to have a happy
life with another family.
C. Who might disagree with your stance and why? (at least 3 sentences)
The audience that may disagree with me would be victims of rape. Rape victims may disagree
because the child could constantly remind them of the trauma they have been through. The
victim may also have anger or hatred toward the child and may experience mental health issues.
Sometimes, the victim may not be of age to care for the child.
D. Who do you imagine your audience will be? (at least 2 sentences)
©2021 Chamberlain University
The audience for this essay would be religious people who do not believe in abortions. In some
states, having an abortion is considered murder. Another audience could be women who cannot
have children of their own and are looking to adopt a child.
II. In a full paragraph of 7-9 sentences, and without performing any research, please note
what you already understand about the debate and what you do not already understand
about the debate:
Abortion is a very controversial debate, there are a few things that I understand about it, and
there are some things I don’t understand. The most important understanding that I have of this
debate is that abortion is the termination of an unborn fetus, and I do not understand why some
people do not understand this. I also understand that some people may have medical issues that
can result in death if they carry through with delivering a child. One last understanding I have is
that after having an abortion, women can experience infertility and other issues with their health.
A few things that I don’t understand about the debate is someone’s financial situation or their
ability to care for a child. I may also never understand the mental aspect that women go through
after having an abortion. Lastly, I would not understand why women choose abortion as a birth
control method.
III. Shortly, you will begin scholarly research in the library. This research will help you
find opposing viewpoints (sources that disagree with you) and supporting viewpoints
(sources that agree with you), as well as information to fill in missing gaps in knowledge
you may have. With all three of these goals in mind, please list five possible search phrases
you might use when you begin searching in the library.
©2021 Chamberlain University
Abortions rights
Restriction and protection for abortions
Roe vs Wade
Legalization of abortions
Anti-abortion Activism
©2021 Chamberlain University

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