Writing Question


The purpose of this assignment is to assess personal values and use them to establish a vision and a mission as a foundation to set and achieve significant personal or professional goals.

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In the same way that an organization performs with greater intention and cohesiveness when its employees and stakeholders are all working with a communal sense of purpose toward a shared goal, you will be able to better and more successfully shape your future when you have a clear idea of who you are and the value you offer to your customer relative to your competition. Your personal vision provides a tangible target for your goals by reflecting your aspirations for the individual you hope to become. And more concretely, your personal mission defines the areas in the industry where you compete or intend to compete and the customers you intend to serve that will assist you to fulfil your vision.

Together, your vision and mission statements offer a foundational identity, defining who you intend to serve and in what capacity (your mission), and how those elements will help you shape your intended future (your vision).

Based on what you have read in the topic Resources, think through the steps required to develop your personal vision and mission statements that flow from your values and will be attractive to your intended customers. Your goal may be related to your intended professional career path, or you may choose a hobby you are passionate about or another aspect of your life. What is important here is to know that in all cases, the strategic pursuit of a goal requires internal and external analysis, deep understanding of your stakeholders (including your customers) and a thoughtful plan based on robust research, analysis, and projections.

Write a 1,000-1,250-word response that includes the following:

Given where and how you intend to compete, what are the key elements required for you to develop a competitive advantage relative to your competitors? You will need to support this through industry and competitor research.
Apply the concepts of competitive advantage, articulate your values. Based on your values and the competitive landscape (i.e., external, and internal analysis) state your personal vision and mission in terms that will both target and attract your ideal customer.
Research SMART goals. Based on your understanding, list five SMART goals that you will need to pursue and achieve to reach your vision. Note: Each goal should meet the definition of SMART.
Once established, how will you measure, monitor, and modify your plan to maximize the probability of success in achieving your outlined goals?

Prepare this assignment using effective business writing style. Refer to the resource, “Effective Business Writing,” located in the Class Resources, for specific guidelines and formatting requirements.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Personal Value Assessment – Rubric
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Key Competitive Advantage Elements
15 points
Criteria Description
Includes key elements required to develop a competitive advantage relative to
5. Target
15 points
Key elements required to develop a competitive advantage relative to competitors
are thorough and insightful and include explanation and relevant supporting
details. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics are free of errors
and professionally executed. Analysis is well supported with properly cited current
and appropriate sources.
4. Acceptable
12.75 points
Key elements required to develop a competitive advantage relative to competitors
are complete and include explanation and relevant supporting details. Effective
business writing style, format, and mechanics are free of significant errors. Analysis
is sufficiently supported and includes cited material.
3. Approaching
11.25 points
Key elements required to develop a competitive advantage relative to competitors
are included but lack explanation and relevant supporting details. Effective business
writing style, format, and mechanics are adequately applied, though some errors
are present. Analysis is insufficiently supported or lacking properly cited material.
2. Insufficient
9.75 points
Key elements required to develop a competitive advantage relative to competitors
are incomplete or incorrect. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics
are poorly executed. Analysis is minimal not based on properly cited material.
1. 1: Unsatisfactory
0 points
Key elements required to develop a competitive advantage relative to competitors
are not included.
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Personal Vision and Mission Statements
15 points
Criteria Description
Includes personal vision and mission statements to target and attract ideal customer.
5. Target
15 points
Personal vision and mission statements to target and attract ideal customer are
thorough and insightful and include explanation and relevant supporting details.
Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics are free of errors and
professionally executed. Analysis is well supported with properly cited current and
appropriate sources.
4. Acceptable
12.75 points
Personal vision and mission statements to target and attract ideal customer are
complete and include explanation and relevant supporting details. Effective
business writing style, format, and mechanics are free of significant errors. Analysis
is sufficiently supported and includes cited material.
3. Approaching
11.25 points
Personal vision and mission statements to target and attract ideal customer are
included but lack explanation and relevant supporting details. Effective business
writing style, format, and mechanics are adequately applied, though some errors
are present. Analysis is insufficiently supported or lacking properly cited material.
2. Insufficient
9.75 points
Personal vision and mission statements to target and attract ideal customer are
incomplete or incorrect. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics are
poorly executed. Analysis is minimal not based on properly cited material.
1. 1: Unsatisfactory
0 points
Personal vision and mission statements to target and attract ideal customer are not
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Five SMART Goals
15 points
Criteria Description
Includes five SMART goals to achieve to reach the stated vision.
5. Target
15 points
Five SMART goals to achieve to reach the stated vision are thorough and insightful
and include explanation and relevant supporting details. Each is clear and specific
without ambiguity. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics are free
of errors and professionally executed. Analysis is well supported with properly cited
current and appropriate sources.
4. Acceptable
12.75 points
Five SMART goals to achieve to reach the stated vision are complete and include
explanation and relevant supporting details. Effective business writing style, format,
and mechanics are free of significant errors. Analysis is sufficiently supported and
includes cited material.
3. Approaching
11.25 points
Five SMART goals to achieve to reach the stated vision are included and SMART but
lack specificity and clarity. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics
are adequately applied, though some errors are present. Analysis is insufficiently
supported or lacking properly cited material.
2. Insufficient
9.75 points
Five SMART goals to achieve to reach the stated vision are incomplete or incorrect.
Each goal is not SMART. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics are
poorly executed. Analysis is minimal not based on properly cited material.
1. 1: Unsatisfactory
0 points
Five SMART goals to achieve to reach the stated vision are not included.
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Plan Measures
15 points
Criteria Description
Includes specific ways to measure, monitor, and modify plan to maximize the
probability of success in achieving the outlined goals.
5. Target
15 points
Specific ways to measure, monitor, and modify plan to maximize the probability of
success in achieving the outlined goals are thorough and insightful and include
explanation and relevant supporting details. Effective business writing style, format,
and mechanics are free of errors and professionally executed. Analysis is well
supported with properly cited current and appropriate sources.
4. Acceptable
12.75 points
Specific ways to measure, monitor, and modify plan to maximize the probability of
success in achieving the outlined goals are complete and include explanation and
relevant supporting details. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics
are free of significant errors. Analysis is sufficiently supported and includes cited
3. Approaching
11.25 points
Specific ways to measure, monitor, and modify plan to maximize the probability of
success in achieving the outlined goals are included but lack explanation and
relevant supporting details. Effective business writing style, format, and mechanics
are adequately applied, though some errors are present. Analysis is insufficiently
supported or lacking properly cited material.
2. Insufficient
9.75 points
Specific ways to measure, monitor, and modify plan to maximize the probability of
success in achieving the outlined goals are incomplete or incorrect. Effective
business writing style, format, and mechanics are poorly executed. Analysis is
minimal not based on properly cited material.
1. 1: Unsatisfactory
0 points
Specific ways to measure, monitor, and modify plan to maximize the probability of
success in achieving the outlined goals are not included.
Total 60 points
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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