Writing Question


Write a 5-7 pageessay in which you make a researched argument on the topic of the “All American Health: Our Bodies, Our Lives.” Select one of the topics listed below.

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All American Health: Our Bodies, Our Lives
Write a 5-7 page essay in which you make a researched argument on the topic of the “All
American Health: Our Bodies, Our Lives.” Select one of the topics listed below.
1. Should natural supplements be consumed as part of our diets for regular health
maintenance or for dieting? Are there any harmful effects to its long term or short-term
use? Or are these supplements considered a suitable alternative to drugs?
2. How can we prevent weight problems in children? What measures can we put in place to
prevent children from gaining too much weight? Who needs to put these measures in
place? Do parents, teachers or the government have the most responsibility in this matter?
3. Should schools/colleges have vending machines that sell sodas, candy, and other “bad”
snacks? What can schools/colleges do to promote better health in students? What is the
best diet for a young adult?
4. Why are Americans rapidly becoming more obese? How can people lose weight and
keep it off? Is surgery a good method for people to lose weight?
Your essay must clearly convey the urgency of the issue. In addition, as with all argument
essays, you need to clearly communicate what is at stake (in other words, “So what?”) so the
reader will care about what you have written.
Writing Requirements:
• include quotes and paraphrases (within the text) from at least three (3) academic
research appropriate sources; you will definitely need to research your topic for support.
• clear thesis, clear description of the problem, effective argument, and a convincing
explanation of what’s at stake
• between (5-7 pages); use at least three (3) in-text citations; use at least five (5) sources
for your “References” page.
• effective introduction and conclusion paragraphs
• title that accurately describes your essay
• a clear organization – grouping of ideas and order of ideas
• free of major grammatical and spelling errors
• APA documentation (for all in-text citations and the References page); essays submitted
without a “References” page will be given an automatic F.

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