Writing Question


The instructions: Go online and find an article on Environmental, Social, and Governance

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(ESG). The article must address at least ONE of the three areas. Also, you can use an article pertinent to South Florida (e.g. the Everglades), Florida (e.g. offshore drilling), USA and global (e.g. climate change, global warming, etc.). Use that article and answer the questions below. I recommend that you download the article and attach it as well as your answers to this link.

Please answer the following questions using the chosen article in a Word document.

1. Summarize the article (in your own words). This should take about a page the most.

2. What is ESG? You may have to do a search for this question. Be sure to put the link at the end of your answer to show where the information was sourced. About half a page, max.

3. How does the article address the environment? Depending on the article, it may not address environmental concerns.

4. How does the article address social issues, especially inequalities. Again, your article may not address this concern.

5. How does the article address governance issues? Again, your article may not address this particular concern.

6. Link your article with concepts in economics. You all have taken one or more economics courses. Another way to look at this is, how do you link ESG to economics. Give at least TWO examples.

7. Write a half a page on how you plan to incorporate ESG and sustainability in your future careers.

8. Give two examples of how you can use the knowledge from this article to personally do what is Best for Our World.