Writing Question


Could you please reach for an article or a journal related to undergraduate biomedical science, write an outline for it, and then write a paragraph addressing what it says in the document that I sent?

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English 1060: Writing, Research, and Inquiry
Undergraduate Research Journal Genre Analysis
This assignment asks you to select an undergraduate research journal that has published student
research in your field and to get a sense of the writing that this journal publishes.
Review these lists of undergraduate research journals:
• Council of Undergraduate Research
• Undergraduate Research Commons
Find a journal that is closely affiliated with your major field of study or discipline. To develop familiarity
with the typical article published by this journal, you will analyze of four or five recent articles published
by the journal. The purpose of this analysis is to identify commonalities across the majority of these
pieces. The similarities shared by all, or most, of the articles published by this journal will help guide
your own writing throughout the remainder of this course.
This project provides you with an opportunity to:
• Study published undergraduate research reports
• Identify the characteristics, conventions, or writerly moves of research articles produced by your
chosen journal
• Develop awareness of the audience expectations for future research report writing
To successfully complete this project, you will need to:
1. Complete the “Analyzing the Genre of Your Targeted Undergraduate Research Journal”
walkthrough that appears in your course textbook.
2. Craft a 300-word paragraph that explains the characteristics, conventions, or writerly moves
that are common to undergraduate research articles published by your chosen journal. Your
paragraph should identify at least five characteristics typical of your field. Your paragraph should
set forth a plan for future writing, should write for the audience of this journal. Your paragraph
will serve as a headnote for an outline that you create in the next step of this assignment.
3. Below your paragraph headnote, develop an outline of a typical research article that is
published by your chosen journal.
4. Submit the paragraph and the outline to your instructor.
Your audience for this assignment is your instructor and, later, yourself, as you will eventually write a
research report that adheres to the genre conventions you identify in this analysis.
Your analysis will include a 300-word paragraph headnote that outlines the results of your analysis, plus
a 1-page detailed outline of the research report genre as it appears in your chosen undergraduate
research journal.
This analysis is worth 2.5% of your final grade. Outstanding analyses will:
• Represent the typical structure used by research reports published in this journal in a detailed,
inductive outline.
• Enumerate the specific characteristics, conventions, and writerly moves expected by readers of
the selected journal.
• Communicate results of analysis that will steer future writing.

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