Bebahvior Management Assignments: (first assignment)
Conduct at least one observation of the student (or friend/family member) with whom you will be completing the FBA. Document the observation in objective (non-emotional) terms. This observation will be included in your FBA.
(the student is a 13 year old boy who has the following: stutters in class, Asperger’s, intellectual disability, separation anxiety, oppositional defiance disorder)
(Second assignment)
Prepare a response in which you address the following:
After reading more about the legal requirement for doing an FBA, how has your view changed about this legal requirement?
What are some problem behaviors you have encountered in your school site or reviewed in the literature that will likely prompt the need for an FBA?
Watching these videos will help:
Sketches: (please prepare 2 separate sketches for the same assignment as if two different people did them)
Site Sketch
In this thought experiment, we are going to sketch a study site.
Sketches: These will be two- or three-dimensional diagrams, including plan views, cross sections or oblique view sketches. They are designed to be informative rather than beautiful, but care and neatness are critical for clarity of information. Use light pencil at first and darken later. Content of sketches vary according to the objectives and design of the fieldwork but should specifically relate to it. For example, if you are surveying a geomorphic landform, then a site sketch of the landform in its surroundings with notes/symbols showing dimensions, orientation, rock type(s), vegetation etc. are critical. Below is an example of a site sketch of a river section used for a geomorphic experiment. Use symbols (with a legend of course) and keep them simple and consistent. This is particularly important for people (like me) who are not very good drawers. For example, a triangle makes a perfectly good tree if appropriately labeled.
All site sketches should contain the following written components.
Titles or captions defining the content of the sketch
Location, orientation information (e.g. north point)
Scale (approximate if you don’t have tape measure or other reference)
You can use how many steps you take from one location to another and estimate the size of your foot! If your foot is about 10 inches, you can say 20 steps x 10 inches is about 200 inches or 16.6 ft.
Relationship to field notes
Labels of features or points of interest
Fig. 1. Sketch of stream reach, From Harrelson, Rawlins and Potyondy (1994). Stream Channel Reference Sites. US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station General Technical Report RM-245.
Turn in
1 site sketch of a location of your choice.m. Feel free to sketch your house and yard or if you live downtown or in high density housing, sketch your block or courtyard. You can sketch a part of campus or if you like, visit a park! You don’t have to sketch a huge area, just a block, a building, a courtyard, a small portion of campus or a park.
Your site sketch must have all of the written components above expect a relation to your field notes, since you are only making a sketch. For your scale, I recommended measuring in footsteps, but you can also grab a tape measure or use another measurement technique. Just make sure to tell me what your scale is!
Your sketch can be as detailed or minimal as you want, but you must provide enough reference to identify the landscape. It is okay if it is all buildings and roads too! I studied urban climate and I wasn’t sketching rivers or meadows.