Writing Question


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I don’t want to retake Pharmacology course (semester 3) and Law (semester 6).
For Pharmacology (semester 3), I studied really hard for it. C- is not the grade that I hoped for
but I already passed the course. I spent a lot of time studying for it while managing all other
courses in that semester to pass the courses. If I retake Pharmacology II, it means I have to do
all over again for semester 3 which I did not expect. I thought the positive way that even
though I fall back a year. I have more time to work because I do not need to study for any class.
However, the program is changing which I did not expect, and now have to study full-time one
more year. I have to work harder to pay the tuition for that one more year. I don’t want to
retake Pharmacology II, I need time to work and balance my schedule for other classes.
I have a work permit, so I am allowed to work in the U.S legally now. I work 2 jobs to pay my
tuition fee and bills for the house and be a full-time student. I can’t ask for help from my
parents because they paid for me a lot when I studied pre-pharmacy. The tuition fee of an
international student is not a joke. My parents pay tuition fee for me and my younger sister
who is an international student as well. As an oldest sister in my family, I try to help my parents
as much as I can. Also, I don’t want to get in debt because I understand the process and it
definitely can’t help me a lot as an international student. Pharmacy is my passion, I don’t want
to give up on it.
As I see on the schedule, I have to take Pharmacotherapy II and Evidence Based Medicine I and
Pathophysiology I in semester 3. I want to focus on those classes, I know that Pharmacotherapy
II is a hard one. About Pharmacology II, I have a study plan for it. I won’t do the IPPE this
summer; I will spend time to review for Pharmacology II. I still keep all the lectures for that
class, so I can review for it during this semester and semester 3 when I have free time. I am sure
it is enough time for reviewing.
For the Law (semester 6), I can review for that class as well, I still keep all my stuff. I took 2 law
classes and I do not want to retake them. I passed those 2 law classes and did not need
remediations for those classes. I asked Ms. Janasz about that Law, it is Federal Law. Then I
checked P2’s schedule; they don’t need to take that law in semester 6. That means it is okay for
me to not taking that class. Also, I have a plan for the Law. I am planning to review for the law
every summer. I also can borrow documents that P3 and P4 use to review for the law because I
know I need to pass the law exam to be able to work. Once again, I really need time to earn
money and balance other new courses. Retaking classes just create me more pressure.
I understand that all the professors and the staffs in pharmacy school want me to be successful.
However, everyone has their own story. I can’t tell you all what I was going through and I am
going through but I don’t regret for everything that I did. I tried my best to balance everything. I
understand that study is the prioritize of every student, but I need to work to pay for the school
so that I can keep my studying. I can’t be in pharmacy school if I don’t have money to pay for it.
I do not want to work a lot, I just have to do that. Please consider about those two classes. I am
worried a lot with that amount of working and studying. I don’t want to fail again.

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