Writing Question


Critical reflections will be graded in terms of organization of thoughts, clarity of writing, and the level of engagement with the ideas presented in course materials. By “critical reflection,” I am concerned with the level of thoughtfulness and reflection with which you respond to the ideas, themes, and concepts presented through the course materials.

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Writing Question
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To construct your essay, you must draw on the following essays from

Qutami, Arjona, Serano, and Patel—and demonstrate explicit comprehension and

engagement with the materials. In other words, demonstrate your understanding of

the prompts below by communicating how you use the assigned materials to aid your

knowledge. Respond to each of the following questions in an essay format. There is

no need to repeat the questions in your essay.

Arjona’s article is in uploaded file




word Count:Essays must be between 800-1000 words.

a. Part 1 : Draw on Qutami and Arjona’s essays to demonstrate the
different yet comparable realities of living under militarization and occupation.
Explain why militarization and occupation are feminist issues and indispensable
to our understanding of justice and transformative possibilities.
b. Part 11 : Draw on Serano and Patel’s essays to demonstrate why
feminist solidarity must acknowledge and embrace the different lived realities and
experiences in order for feminism as a movement to be sustainable and relevant.

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