Writing Question


Write a two page paper discussing Asia in the 16th century?

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The is a common course outcome.

10 point total Grading criteria:

Every Assignment in D2L must cite the book in the paper using the exact pages or section number used from the textbook. And, you must cite something in the weekly Announcement in your papers.

Minus two points for not citing the exact page and minus two points for not citing the Announcement.

1 point for turning in on time

1 point for at least two pages of text in 12 point font and double spaced (writing more is fine)

1 points for accuracy (if completely wrong facts and time period discussed then you can fail the assignment)

2 points for spelling and grammar

2 points for citing the text book with page numbers or sections

2 point for citing a primary source using https://libguides.oaklandcc.edu/worldhistory/Home

1 point for writing a coherent thesis, what is the main point you are writing about

Never use Wikipedia, Britannica or Khan Academy (you will fail that assignment if you use those cites).