Writing Question


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Having been a part of the Walgreens family for over a year, I continue my journey at store 1111,
guided by the experienced hand of Pharmacist Manager John. Navigating the intricacies of
balancing a second job and school commitments has been a challenge, yet my tenure at
Walgreens remains a source of immense joy. The mentorship I receive from John and the
dedicated staff pharmacist has been invaluable, consistently expanding my knowledge and skill
Despite the hustle and bustle of my dual responsibilities, the learning never ceases. The
pharmacy environment has become a classroom of its own, where practical experience
intertwines seamlessly with academic pursuits. I’ve had the privilege of delving into counseling
patients on medications, a skill set honed through the teachings of the Top Drugs course. This
extends to in-depth discussions on allergy medications and antibiotics, including but not limited
to amoxicillin, cephalexin, azithromycin, doxycycline, and levofloxacin.
The vaccination season, particularly the high-demand months of October and November, brought
about a surge in activity. Embracing the ethos of teamwork, I willingly took on additional shifts
to support the pharmacy team. Despite the typical setup of one pharmacist and two technicians
per shift, the unexpected spikes in workload necessitated extra hands on deck. Being available on
unscheduled days underscored my commitment to the team, and the realization that my
assistance was valued made the extra effort worthwhile.
This semester, my academic pursuits have led me down the fascinating path of Pathophysiology.
The course, a captivating exploration into the intricacies of how the body functions and reacts to
diseases, has deepened my understanding of the healthcare landscape. Gaining insights into risk
factors, signs, and symptoms of diseases has provided a valuable bridge between theoretical
classroom knowledge and the tangible experiences encountered when patients come to pick up
their medications.
Additionally, my journey through Pharmacology has proven to be a transformative experience.
The synergies between Pharmacology, Top Drugs, and Non-sterile compounding have created a
harmonious learning environment, making the assimilation of information more intuitive and
Despite the demands and occasional challenges, I find genuine satisfaction in the learning
process and contributing meaningfully to the dynamic team at Walgreens. The amalgamation of
hands-on experience, academic growth, and the camaraderie within the workplace enriches my
professional journey.
In recent times, there has been an uptick in patient inquiries regarding clinics at Walgreens.
Regrettably, my Walgreens store has undergone a change, and clinic services are no longer
available. This shift could be attributed to a range of factors, such as strategic business decisions,
alterations in healthcare partnerships, or evolving business priorities. While the absence of clinic
services is felt, there remains optimism that, in the future, Walgreens may revisit the possibility
of reinstating these services to better serve our patients. In the interim, we often find ourselves
guiding patients to alternative clinics, like those available at Hy-Vee.
Another challenge that has become increasingly apparent within my workplace is a shortage of
staff. We are actively seeking additional technicians to join our team and contribute to the
efficient operation of the pharmacy. However, a significant hurdle emerges as the availability of
hours for new technicians is constrained. Despite our pressing need for additional staff, the
challenge lies in finding the delicate balance between staffing levels and allocated hours. This
intricate dance of staffing shortages and limited hours creates a palpable pressure within the
pharmacy team, affecting our ability to provide seamless and timely services to our patients.
Navigating these staffing challenges is a priority for the team as we strive to maintain the quality
of service that our patients expect and deserve. The dynamics of these workforce issues highlight
the complexities inherent in the healthcare industry, where the demand for services often
outpaces the available resources. As we address these challenges, our commitment to patient care
remains steadfast, and we are actively exploring solutions to enhance staffing levels and allocate
resources more effectively.
Another challenge prevalent at Walgreens is the issue of patients not consistently showing
respect towards our dedicated technicians and pharmacists. Notably, we encounter situations
where certain customers frequently visit the pharmacy after 6 pm on Saturdays and Sundays,
urgently seeking their prescriptions. Despite their insistence and attempts to make their concerns
known through noise at the Drive-thru or approaching us in-store, our only recourse is to
regrettably ignore these demands. This dynamic often leads to frustration and anger among
certain patients who vehemently express their dissatisfaction, sometimes resorting to yelling.
This particular facet adds an additional layer of pressure to our daily operations within the
pharmacy. Balancing the need to adhere to operating hours, ensuring patient safety, and
managing the expectations of those seeking late prescriptions becomes a delicate task.
Navigating through such challenging interactions while upholding the professional standards of
the pharmacy team is a testament to our commitment to patient care, even in the face of
heightened tensions. The dynamics of these encounters underscore the broader challenges faced
by healthcare professionals in managing the diverse needs and expectations of patients.
The pressure that pharmacists contend with in their daily work is considerable and often
overwhelming. The demands of the job can be intense, leaving little room for respite. This
heightened pressure not only affects the overall well-being of pharmacists but also poses a
significant concern for the potential occurrence of errors. Working under such duress increases
the likelihood of lapses in attention and concentration, which are critical elements in ensuring
accurate medication dispensing and patient safety. Recognizing and addressing the challenges
associated with this pressure is paramount, as it directly influences the quality of care provided
by pharmacists and underscores the importance of creating supportive work environments within
the healthcare sector.
I will still work at Walgreens until I graduate from pharmacy school because I really enjoy
working here.

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