Writing Question


Part 1

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Writing Question
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Reach Your Goals

In this assignment, you will create a goal for this course, complete a table that plans out your week, and reflect on your plan. This will help you think about how you will manage school and your personal responsibilities.

Assignment Instructions

Use the Reach Your Goals Template [DOCX] Download Reach Your Goals Template [DOCX] to complete the following:

Create a SMART goal for this course.
Answer the questions about time management in the div by doing the following:
Write complete paragraphs.
Discuss priorities and areas that may need to be more flexible to complete schoolwork.
Identify activities that may need to be replaced by schoolwork.
Create a plan for emergency situations, such as technology issues.

The Assignment CalculatorLinks to an external site. can help you see how much time you’ll want to set aside for this assignment.

Submission Requirements

Submit the completed div as your deliverable for the assignment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply online learning self-management skills.
Competency 2: Demonstrate effective oral or written communication skills.
Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Convey purpose in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

Part 2

Assignment Instructions

Use the Course Planning Outline [DOCX] Download Course Planning Outline [DOCX] div to complete the following:

Identify your core courses and their prerequisites.
Identify your necessary general education electives and their prerequisites.
Apply your course plan to next term’s schedule and the term after next.
Identify your career goal.
Identify requirements for jobs aligning to your career goal.
Plan how to get the skills needed for your career goal.

Submission Requirements

Submit the completed div as your deliverable for this assignment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply online learning self-management skills.
Apply identified course plan to next term’s schedule.
Identify a career goal and job requirements.
Competency 2: Demonstrate effective oral or written communication skills.
Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Cite information from sources using author, date format and attempt references.
Competency 3: Apply information literacy skills.
Explain credibility of chosen source.
Competency 4: Apply the elements of critical thought.
Apply the critical thinking element of thought concepts to a job opening.
Competency 5: Summarize academic source material.
Summarize source material.

View Rubric

Part 3



Choose a topic from the list below. Use the two sources provided for you for the topic you choose (one popular press source and one scholarly article). Then use one other article from the Capella library for a total of three sources.

Topic 1: Time Management and Academic SuccessLinks to an external site..
Topic 2: Mindset and Student SuccessLinks to an external site..
Topic 3: Motivation and College SuccessLinks to an external site..

Assignment Instructions

Write your paper in the Week 6 Paper Template [DOCX] because it will help guide your work and place your content in proper order. Be sure to delete all bracketed instructional text in the template and replace it with your own.

Note: Use paraphrases; do not quote.

Complete the following when writing your paper:

Write an introduction that includes the thesis and introduces your arguments (main ideas, main points).
Use three main arguments to support your position.
Use credible sources to support each main argument.
Use fundamental principles from this course to form your main idea for each paragraph.
Accurately paraphrase from your sources.
Cite sources using author and year.
Write a conclusion that includes your point of view and concepts.
Write your paragraphs using clear main ideas.

The Assignment CalculatorLinks to an external site. can help you see how much time you’ll want to set aside to complete the assignment.

Submission Requirements

Submit your paper as your deliverable. Be sure that you use the provided template because it provides guidance on font, spacing, and general formatting.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Demonstrate effective oral or written communication skills.
Write an introduction that includes the thesis and introduces the arguments.
Use three main points to support a position.
Cite a source using author and year.
Write organized paragraphs with clear main ideas.
Competency 3: Apply information literacy skills.
Use credible sources to support each main point.
Competency 4: Apply the elements of critical thought.
Write a conclusion that includes point of view and concepts.
Competency 5: Summarize academic source material.
Accurately paraphrase from sources.
Use fundamental principles from the course to form a main idea for each paragraph.

Part 4

Complete the Week 8 Assignment Self-Assessment [DOCX]. Then use the Week 8 Self-Reflection Worksheet [DOCX] to do the following:

Reflect on your self-efficacy.
Reflect on your growth mindset.
Reflect on your goal setting.
Assess whether you met your goals.
Reflect on additional resources.


You will be using one source for this assignment, and the grading asks for you to attempt to provide the reference for that source. A reference lets your readers know how they can find the information and gives credit to the source of the information.

References for web sources include this information in this format:

Author (date). Title of the page. Website name. Web address.

Here is an example of a reference for the type of source that you might be using for the assignment:

Indeed Editorial Team (2023, February 20). 11 top human resources skills for a resume (plus sample). Indeed. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover…

Submission Requirements

Submit the completed worksheet as your deliverable for this assignment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply online learning self-management skills.
Relate assessment results to future performance.
Predict attainment of personal goal.
Competency 2: Demonstrate effective oral or written communication skills.
Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Cite information from sources using author, date format and attempt references.
Competency 3: Apply information literacy skills.
Explain credibility of chosen source.
Competency 4: Apply the elements of critical thought.
Apply the critical thinking element of thought implications and consequences to source material.
Competency 5: Summarize academic source material.
Summarize source material including a citation with author and year.

KD Part 5

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Week 6 chp 11 major goals for presentation

Week 6 chp 12 planning andcrafting presentations

Week 8 chp 14 rehearsing and delivering successful presentation

KD part 6

As you complete your presentation this week, reflect on how you might use what you have learned in this course and what you still need to work on to make your workplace communication as effective as possible.

Of the different kinds of communication we have worked on, which do you think you are most likely to use in your workplace? What have you learned about this kind of writing that you think will be most useful? What aspects of your writing or presentation skills do you think you still need to work on? What kind(s) of writing would you like to learn more about?

Thanks for your great contributions and collaboration in ENGL510!

KD part 7

Your presentation is due this week. Review the instructions from Week 6, draw from the outline from Week 6, the annotated bibliography from Week 7, and the grading rubric below as you complete your assignment. Remember that classes end on Saturday at midnight, so you must submit your presentation by that deadline.

As a reminder, here is a brief overview of the assignment:

It will be 6-8 minutes long and consist of approximately 8-10 slides, accompanied by audio. PowerPoint is the recommended format. Here is a suggested organizational structure:

Title slide (One slide)
Presentation overview (One slide)
Main points and subpoints (Five to six slides)
Conclusion (One slide)
References with at least two sources (One slide)

AW Part 8

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Week 4 ABA Operational Decisions

Week 5 Human Resource Management

Week 5 ABA motivation

Week 6 ABA The 4 Ps

Week 7 Application Based Assignment

Week 8 Application Based Assignment

Week 8: ABA: Entrepreneurship

AW part 9

Cheers for entrepreneurs! The concepts of small business and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. In fact, small businesses, as well as large businesses, would not be in existence if it were not for the innovative ideas and thoughts of entrepreneurs. As you complete your final reading of the course, pay specific attention to the concepts of small business and entrepreneurship. Specifically, respond to the following in your own words:

Choose and assess in some depth a real-world entrepreneur’s plans for starting a small business with actual evidence you’ve discovered.
Explain the importance of small business in the United States economy and why certain fields attract small businesses.
Analyze the disadvantages of small business ownership and the reasons why many small businesses fail.

SA part 10

This week, you will create a final draft of the paragraph on financial advice you began drafting in the Week 2 graded discussion. Begin by reviewing the posts in that discussion and take into account feedback directed to you as well as feedback directed to the work of your classmates.

Assignment Requirements

A cover page
A minimum length of 100 words
A topic sentence that clearly expresses your main idea
Three supporting points that may include (but are not limited to)
examples from your own or someone else’s financial history;
reasons or arguments; and


“Escaping the Fact-Filled World”
“Why I’m a Gamer”
“With Fantasy, Opportunities are Endless”

The topic for your paragraph will be a fantasy activity, such as video games, science fiction or fantasy novels, escape rooms, historical reenactments, or fantasy sports, to name a few. (If none of these activities appeal to you, you may select another leisure activity of your choice as your topic.)

This week’s graded discussion will help you to narrow your topic, construct a topic sentence, and develop support for your paragraph.

Paragraph Requirements

A cover page
A minimum length of 100 words
A topic sentence that clearly states one reason you like the activity
Adequate examples, other details, or an explanation that supports your reason

Next week, you will add your paragraph to three new paragraphs you will write to create a four-paragraph essay that will include an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


This week, you will expand last week’s writing assignment to create a four-paragraph essay by adding an introduction, a second body paragraph, and a conclusion. The Week 5 Discussion will help you through the process of composing the extra paragraphs.

Essay Requirements

A cover page
An introductory paragraph that begins by describing the fantasy or other leisure activity and how it works and ends with a thesis statement that contains two reasons you enjoy the activity
A body paragraph, which you wrote last week, that discusses your first reason and that has been revised with corrections based on feedback your professor provided
A second body paragraph that begins with a topic sentence that focuses on the second reason you like the activity and includes support for that reason, such as examples, description, and explanation
A concluding paragraph that reemphasizes your main idea and draws the essay to a close


If you choose “Your Multiple Intelligences,” the thesis statement for your essay will identify two types of intelligences from Gardner’s chart that best describe you. You will then justify your selection of each type in two separate body paragraphs with examples from your own experience.
If you choose “Getting to Know Yourself, Finally,” the thesis statement for your essay will identify two of the seven questions the writer poses that are meaningful to you. You will then answer each question in two separate body paragraphs that share your insights.

Essay Requirements

A cover page
An introductory paragraph that begins with a hook that grabs your readers’ attention and ends with your thesis statement, as described above
Two body paragraphs that each begin with a topic sentences that focuses on one of the two items in your thesis and includes details such as examples, descriptions, and explanations that support your main idea
In at least one paragraph, a quotation from the reading that helps to present an idea you want to establish
(You will introduce the quotation by identifying the name of the author(s) and the title of the reading, and you will provide an in-text citation.)
A concluding paragraph that reemphasizes your main idea and draws the essay to a close
A reference page


This week, you will build on and revise the draft you submitted in Week 6. The purpose will be the same, as will the requirements; however, you will be expected to use feedback you receive from your professor to correct errors and strengthen the content and clarity of your original piece of writing. That may mean you will add to what you have written, but it may also mean that you delete or modify other things. It is important to consider how other people interpret and view your writing, and your instructor’s feedback along with the Week 7 Reading, Lesson, and Discussion will help you in the revision process.

Use this checklist to make sure your essay contains the following requirements.

A cover page
An introductory paragraph that begins with a hook that grabs your readers’ attention and ends with your thesis statement, as described in the Week 6 Writing Submission instructions
Two body paragraphs that each begin with a topic sentence that focuses on one of the two items in your thesis and includes adequate examples, descriptions, or explanations that support your main idea
In at least one paragraph, a quotation from the reading that helps to present an idea you want to establish
(You will introduce the quotation by identifying the name of the author(s) and the title of the reading, and you will provide an in-text citation.)
A concluding paragraph that reemphasizes your main idea and draws the essay to a close
A reference page


Welcome to the end of your journey in ENGL062. Before you transition into the next courses in your plan of study, it is instructive to pause and take a look back and a look forward. Simply put, for this assignment you will reflect on what you did these past 8 weeks and what you need to do to be successful in your courses to follow.

Postscript Requirements

This writing submission is not an essay but two well-developed paragraphs with a minimum length of 100 words each.
Before you begin writing, review what you wrote in the Week 1 Discussion, and identify the one or two most challenging weaknesses you started with. These could relate to reading, writing, or time management.
Present the weaknesses in a topic sentence for your first paragraph, and then develop your paragraph by reflecting on the following points.
What measures did you take to overcome your weaknesses? Were you successful? Why, or why not?
How accurate was your assessment of your strengths and weaknesses? Was your experience any more or less of a challenge than you expected?
Did any expected weakness turn out to be a strength or vice versa?
For the topic sentence of your second paragraph, state the most important lesson you have learned this session about what it takes to be successful in your studies. Develop your paragraph by reflecting on the following points.
What actions will you continue because they worked?
What will you do differently going forward if something you tried did not work? If you discovered a new strength or weakness, how will that factor into your plan for success?

TR part 16

This week, you will create a final draft of the paragraph on financial advice you began drafting in the Week 2 graded discussion. Begin by reviewing the posts in that discussion and take into account feedback directed to you as well as feedback directed to the work of your classmates.

Assignment Requirements

A cover page
A minimum length of 100 words
A topic sentence that clearly expresses your main idea
Three supporting points that may include (but are not limited to)
examples from your own or someone else’s financial history;
reasons or arguments; and


“Escaping the Fact-Filled World”
“Why I’m a Gamer”
“With Fantasy, Opportunities are Endless”

The topic for your paragraph will be a fantasy activity, such as video games, science fiction or fantasy novels, escape rooms, historical reenactments, or fantasy sports, to name a few. (If none of these activities appeal to you, you may select another leisure activity of your choice as your topic.)

This week’s graded discussion will help you to narrow your topic, construct a topic sentence, and develop support for your paragraph.

Paragraph Requirements

A cover page
A minimum length of 100 words
A topic sentence that clearly states one reason you like the activity
Adequate examples, other details, or an explanation that supports your reason

Next week, you will add your paragraph to three new paragraphs you will write to create a four-paragraph essay that will include an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


This week, you will expand last week’s writing assignment to create a four-paragraph essay by adding an introduction, a second body paragraph, and a conclusion. The Week 5 Discussion will help you through the process of composing the extra paragraphs.

Essay Requirements

A cover page
An introductory paragraph that begins by describing the fantasy or other leisure activity and how it works and ends with a thesis statement that contains two reasons you enjoy the activity
A body paragraph, which you wrote last week, that discusses your first reason and that has been revised with corrections based on feedback your professor provided
A second body paragraph that begins with a topic sentence that focuses on the second reason you like the activity and includes support for that reason, such as examples, description, and explanation
A concluding paragraph that reemphasizes your main idea and draws the essay to a close


If you choose “Your Multiple Intelligences,” the thesis statement for your essay will identify two types of intelligences from Gardner’s chart that best describe you. You will then justify your selection of each type in two separate body paragraphs with examples from your own experience.
If you choose “Getting to Know Yourself, Finally,” the thesis statement for your essay will identify two of the seven questions the writer poses that are meaningful to you. You will then answer each question in two separate body paragraphs that share your insights.

Essay Requirements

A cover page
An introductory paragraph that begins with a hook that grabs your readers’ attention and ends with your thesis statement, as described above
Two body paragraphs that each begin with a topic sentences that focuses on one of the two items in your thesis and includes details such as examples, descriptions, and explanations that support your main idea
In at least one paragraph, a quotation from the reading that helps to present an idea you want to establish
(You will introduce the quotation by identifying the name of the author(s) and the title of the reading, and you will provide an in-text citation.)
A concluding paragraph that reemphasizes your main idea and draws the essay to a close
A reference page


This week, you will build on and revise the draft you submitted in Week 6. The purpose will be the same, as will the requirements; however, you will be expected to use feedback you receive from your professor to correct errors and strengthen the content and clarity of your original piece of writing. That may mean you will add to what you have written, but it may also mean that you delete or modify other things. It is important to consider how other people interpret and view your writing, and your instructor’s feedback along with the Week 7 Reading, Lesson, and Discussion will help you in the revision process.

Use this checklist to make sure your essay contains the following requirements.

A cover page
An introductory paragraph that begins with a hook that grabs your readers’ attention and ends with your thesis statement, as described in the Week 6 Writing Submission instructions
Two body paragraphs that each begin with a topic sentence that focuses on one of the two items in your thesis and includes adequate examples, descriptions, or explanations that support your main idea
In at least one paragraph, a quotation from the reading that helps to present an idea you want to establish
(You will introduce the quotation by identifying the name of the author(s) and the title of the reading, and you will provide an in-text citation.)
A concluding paragraph that reemphasizes your main idea and draws the essay to a close
A reference page


Welcome to the end of your journey in ENGL062. Before you transition into the next courses in your plan of study, it is instructive to pause and take a look back and a look forward. Simply put, for this assignment you will reflect on what you did these past 8 weeks and what you need to do to be successful in your courses to follow.

Postscript Requirements

This writing submission is not an essay but two well-developed paragraphs with a minimum length of 100 words each.
Before you begin writing, review what you wrote in the Week 1 Discussion, and identify the one or two most challenging weaknesses you started with. These could relate to reading, writing, or time management.
Present the weaknesses in a topic sentence for your first paragraph, and then develop your paragraph by reflecting on the following points.
What measures did you take to overcome your weaknesses? Were you successful? Why, or why not?
How accurate was your assessment of your strengths and weaknesses? Was your experience any more or less of a challenge than you expected?
Did any expected weakness turn out to be a strength or vice versa?
For the topic sentence of your second paragraph, state the most important lesson you have learned this session about what it takes to be successful in your studies. Develop your paragraph by reflecting on the following points.
What actions will you continue because they worked?
What will you do differently going forward if something you tried did not work? If you discovered a new strength or weakness, how will that factor into your plan for success?

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Course Planning Outline
Directions: This worksheet has two parts: Course Plan and Career Plan. Be sure to thoroughly
complete both parts.
Part 1: Course Plan
Directions: Fill out the following worksheet after looking at the course catalog. If you are not
sure about a specific area, ask your adviser. Now is a great time to get to know your adviser.
What degree program are you in?
If you are in a specialization, concentration,
or combined option, state which one.
What are your core courses?
Prerequisite for course
Which electives might you be interested in (list at least two)?
What are you taking next term?
Part 2: Career Plan
Directions: Fill out the following worksheet after looking at the career exploration guide. In
addition, you’ll need to find a job opening in your state to complete this section of the worksheet.
What is your career goal? (If you don’t have a
specific goal, this can be a general statement
to get your research started.)
Find a job opening in your state that fits your goal and respond to these questions:
Is a college degree needed? If yes, what
Is a state license needed? If yes, what
What skills or knowledge does the job ask
What experience does the job ask for?
Does the salary meet your needs?
Based on what you read in the job advertisement, share three concepts that are key to
understanding the career or job opening.
Find one credible article about your career. Share the URL below:
Write a paragraph that shares (1) the main lesson you learned from the article, (2) why the
source was credible, and (3) cites the source.
Reach Your Goals
Directions: This assignment has two parts. Please complete both parts before turning in this
worksheet as your Week 2 assignment.
Part 1: Goal Setting
Directions: Fill out the table below, following the directions for each line. Your responses
should be in complete, grammatically correct sentences.
My Goal for This Course
Specific: What is your goal—
make it specific?
Measurable: How will you
measure whether you
succeeded or not? What
steps will be involved?
Attainable: What resources
will you need to accomplish
this and do you have them?
Relevant: Why is this goal
important to you?
Timely: What is the
timeframe to accomplish
your goal?
SMART goal: Put together
your answers for specific,
measurable, and timely
above into a single
Part 2: Planning to Pass This Course
Answer the following questions in complete paragraphs. Use a main idea, evidence, and
analysis. For evidence, you can use written sources or examples from your life.
When will you fit school into your
schedule? What activities will you
need to do less of? What did you
normally do during those time
blocks? Can you sustain doing less
of these activities for the time
required to get your degree?
When something comes up that
you must handle, what changes to
your schedule or life can you make
so you can do schoolwork?
When you have computer
problems, what options will you
use? Will this add time to your
Do you commit yourself to following
this plan? (This can be a simple
Yes or No answer.)
Week 8 Self-Reflection Worksheet
Directions: Complete the Week 8 Assignment Self-Assessment linked in the assignment
instructions. Then completely fill out the following worksheet. Answer in full sentences.
Self-Reflection Worksheet
Self-Efficacy: Complete the self-efficacy self-assessment and then answer the following:
How will you use this knowledge to succeed
in college?
Growth Mindset: Complete the growth mindset self-assessment and then answer the
How will you use this knowledge to succeed
in college?
Goal Setting: Complete the goal setting self-assessment and then answer the following
How will you use this knowledge to succeed
in college?
Share the goal you created in your Week 2
Share whether you think you met your goal.
Preparing for future terms
Find one credible source that offers
information you can use to be successful
throughout college. Share the URL here.
Why is this source credible?
Summarize the key points from the source
(and cite it).
What are the implications or consequences of
what you just learned?
Share how you will use this knowledge to
succeed in college.
Week 8 Assignment Self-Assessment
Confident Neutral/
Very Not
Confident Confident
I am confident in my
ability to excel in my
I am confident in my
ability to pass
challenging classes
I am confident that I
will graduate from
I am self-disciplined
when it comes to my
I can overcome any
obstacle I may face in
a class
To calculate, add your score for each question and divide by 5. The maximum score on this
scale is 5 (strong self-efficacy), and the lowest score on this scale is 1 (no self-efficacy). Your
Self-Efficacy Score ____________
Growth Mindset
You can learn new
things, but you can’t
really change your basic
Your intelligence is
something about you
that you change very
You have a certain
amount of talent and
intelligence and your
can’t do much to change
If you keep failing at
something it is better to
switch to something else
where you have a better
chance of succeeding
To calculate add your score for each question and divide by 4. The maximum score on this
scale is 5 (growth mindset), and the lowest score on this scale is 1 (fixed mindset). Your
Mindset Score ____________
Goal Setting
I set short-term goals
for myself (like
finishing all my
homework or
exercising for an hour)
Not Very
Like Me
Like Me
Very Like
I set long-term goals
for myself such as
earning a college
degree or entering a
Not Very
Like Me
Like Me
Very Like
I set goals to achieve
what I think is
I imagine what life will
be like when I reach
my goal.
My goals are
meaningful to me.
My goals are based
on my own interests
and plans for the
I set goals to help me
improve myself.
I set goals to help me
be more successful in
I set goals to help me
do my personal best.
When I want to learn
something, I make
small goals to track
my progress.
I focus on my own
improvement instead
of worrying about
whether other people
are doing better than
Not Very
Like Me
Like Me
Very Like
Even if I lose a
competition, I’m
pleased if I have
Based on everything I
know about myself, I
believe I can achieve
my goals.
When I set goals, I
think about barriers
that might get in my
When I’m struggling, I
set goals to help me
I set goals that are
challenging but
I set short term goals
to help me achieve my
long term goals.
When setting a goal, I
think about my past
successes and
When I set a goal, I
am confident that I
can meet it.
To calculate your goal setting score add up all points and divide by 19. You can interpret your
score like you would grades. Interpreting your results: 1.0-1.9= D, 2.0-2.9= C, 3.0-3.9= B, 4.05.0=A
Modified from: Buzzetto-Hollywood, N., Mitchell, B. C., & Hill, A. J. (2019). Introducing a mindset
intervention to improve student success. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning & Learning
Objects, 15, 135–155. https://doi.org/10.28945/4465
Grit scale source: Angela Duckworth. (n.d.). Research. https://angeladuckworth.com/research/

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