Writing Question


Health Disparities

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When signing up for this course, you probably were wondering why this course is called “Health and Social Justice”, instead of “Social Justice”. The answer lies in the next term that you will need to know for this course: health disparity. What is a health disparity? Let us break down the two words in this term in order for us to have a better understanding.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “health”? For most of us, having good “health” means being free from an illness, whether that illness is infectious (ex. the common cold) or chronic (ex. Type 2 diabetes). There is truth in that, but we can go one step further with this definition. According to the World Health Organization, health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This definition provides us with a more holistic view of health, one that embodies not just the functioning of our body, but also a soundness of mind and positive social interactions/environments. These are also not static. The body, mind, and social environment can either positively or negatively impact each other.

Then we have the word “disparity”. According to Merriam-Webster a disparity is “a noticeable and usually significant difference of dissimilarity”7. These disparities can be found either through general observation of our surroundings or through the analysis of data.

This leads us to our definition of health disparities. Healthy People 2020’s definition encompasses the array of health differences amongst population groups and is stated as the following:

“… a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with economic, social, or environmental disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater social or economic obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, age, or mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; geographic location; or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion.”8

Simply put, health disparities are noticeable health differences between different groups of people. Health disparities are based upon different factors including:

The number of people who get a disease
The severity of a disease
The number of people with complications from a disease
The number of deaths (mortality rate) from a disease
The access that certain groups have to healthcare
The number of people receiving health screenings9

Anyone can be impacted by health disparities; however, there are certain groups that are more heavily impacted by these disparities than other. Generally speaking, the groups who are affected by health disparities are those that have been historically marginalized. Disparate groups can be classified by the following:

Immigrant status
Sex or gender
Sexual orientation
Education level (7A)

We are all probably familiar with a barometer. A barometer is a tool that helps measure air pressure. Health disparities are like a barometer for measuring health equity. It helps us to determine the progress (or lack thereof) being made toward health equity.10 In other words, health equity/justice is the desired goal, and examining health disparities is how we measure our progress toward that goal.



We have all probably been exposed to some form of social injustice or justice in our lives. For some it may have been a direct and very personal experience, for others it may have been through older family members, and for others it may have been through reading or watching current events. In this assignment, we will critically think about the role or influence that social justice has played in our lives.

Your Task

Please read this week’s materials prior to completing this assignment


Please answer the following questions:

What was your understanding of social justice in the context of health prior to reading this week’s material? (5 points)
How has this understanding changed? (5 points)
How have you seen health inequities (or general inequities) within your community? (10 points)