Writing Question


Part 2

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Writing Question
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Assignment Instructions

Use the Course Planning Outline [DOCX] Download Course Planning Outline [DOCX] div to complete the following:

Identify your core courses and their prerequisites.
Identify your necessary general education electives and their prerequisites.
Apply your course plan to next term’s schedule and the term after next.
Identify your career goal.
Identify requirements for jobs aligning to your career goal.
Plan how to get the skills needed for your career goal.

Submission Requirements

Submit the completed div as your deliverable for this assignment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply online learning self-management skills.
Apply identified course plan to next term’s schedule.
Identify a career goal and job requirements.
Competency 2: Demonstrate effective oral or written communication skills.
Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Cite information from sources using author, date format and attempt references.
Competency 3: Apply information literacy skills.
Explain credibility of chosen source.
Competency 4: Apply the elements of critical thought.
Apply the critical thinking element of thought concepts to a job opening.
Competency 5: Summarize academic source material.
Summarize source material.

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Part 3



Choose a topic from the list below. Use the two sources provided for you for the topic you choose (one popular press source and one scholarly article). Then use one other article from the Capella library for a total of three sources.

Topic 1: Time Management and Academic Success
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Assignment Instructions

Write your paper in the Week 6 Paper Template [DOCX] because it will help guide your work and place your content in proper order. Be sure to delete all bracketed instructional text in the template and replace it with your own.

Note: Use paraphrases; do not quote.

Complete the following when writing your paper:

Write an introduction that includes the thesis and introduces your arguments (main ideas, main points).
Use three main arguments to support your position.
Use credible sources to support each main argument.
Use fundamental principles from this course to form your main idea for each paragraph.
Accurately paraphrase from your sources.
Cite sources using author and year.
Write a conclusion that includes your point of view and concepts.
Write your paragraphs using clear main ideas.

The Assignment Calculator

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Submission Requirements

Submit your paper as your deliverable. Be sure that you use the provided template because it provides guidance on font, spacing, and general formatting.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Demonstrate effective oral or written communication skills.
Write an introduction that includes the thesis and introduces the arguments.
Use three main points to support a position.
Cite a source using author and year.
Write organized paragraphs with clear main ideas.
Competency 3: Apply information literacy skills.
Use credible sources to support each main point.
Competency 4: Apply the elements of critical thought.
Write a conclusion that includes point of view and concepts.
Competency 5: Summarize academic source material.
Accurately paraphrase from sources.
Use fundamental principles from the course to form a main idea for each paragraph.

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Course Planning Outline
Directions: This worksheet has two parts: Course Plan and Career Plan. Be sure to thoroughly
complete both parts.
Part 1: Course Plan
Directions: Fill out the following worksheet after looking at the course catalog. If you are not
sure about a specific area, ask your adviser. Now is a great time to get to know your adviser.
What degree program are you in?
If you are in a specialization, concentration,
or combined option, state which one.
What are your core courses?
Prerequisite for course
Which electives might you be interested in (list at least two)?
What are you taking next term?
Part 2: Career Plan
Directions: Fill out the following worksheet after looking at the career exploration guide. In
addition, you’ll need to find a job opening in your state to complete this section of the worksheet.
What is your career goal? (If you don’t have a
specific goal, this can be a general statement
to get your research started.)
Find a job opening in your state that fits your goal and respond to these questions:
Is a college degree needed? If yes, what
Is a state license needed? If yes, what
What skills or knowledge does the job ask
What experience does the job ask for?
Does the salary meet your needs?
Based on what you read in the job advertisement, share three concepts that are key to
understanding the career or job opening.
Find one credible article about your career. Share the URL below:
Write a paragraph that shares (1) the main lesson you learned from the article, (2) why the
source was credible, and (3) cites the source.
[Instructional text in this template is bolded and contained in square brackets ([…]). After
reading the instructional text, please delete it and use the document as a template for your
own paper. To keep the correct format, edit the running head, cover page, headings, and
reference list with your own information and add your own body text. Save this template in
a file for future use and information.
The running head is an abbreviated title of the paper. The running head is located at the top
of pages of a manuscript or published article to identify the article for readers. The running
head should be a maximum of 50 characters, counting letters, punctuation, and spaces
between words. The words “Running head” are on the cover page but not on the rest of the
document. The running head title is all capital letters. Page 1 begins on the cover page. The
entire document should be double-spaced, have 1-inch margins on all sides, and use 12-point
Times New Roman font.]
Full Title of Paper
Learner’s Full Name
Course Title
Assignment Title
Capella University
Month, Year
Full Title of Paper
[Paragraph one should be your introduction.]
[Paragraph two should be your point using the popular press article for support.]
[Paragraph three should be your point using the scholarly article for support.]
[Paragraph four should be your point using the reference you found in the library.]
[Paragraph five should be your conclusion.]
[Always begin a reference list on a new page. Use a hanging indent after the first line of
each reference. The reference list is in alphabetical order by first author’s last name. A
reference list only contains sources that are cited in the body of the paper, and all sources
cited in the body of the paper must be contained in the reference list.
When a digital object identifier (DOI) is available for a journal article, it should be placed
at the end of the citation. If a DOI is not available, a uniform resource locator (URL)
should be used. The George, Dixon, Stansal, Gelb, & Pheri (2008) reference is an example
of how to cite a source using a DOI. The Uche (2011, Jan 26) reference is an example of
how to cite a source using a URL.]

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