Writing Question



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Writing Question
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For the Outline/draft (Essay 3): Create an outline/working draft of the research paper that meets the basic source and concept requirements found for the research paper.
For the final research paper: Write a college-level research paper that meets all the course outcomes. (See list at the end of this document).

Requirements: The research paper (and corresponding outline/draft) will focus on your text (your TV episode) from either essay 1 or 2. The series must be the same, but the episode may be changed if you like. See late policies in the syllabus.

In addition to the essay itself, the final research paper must meet the following process requirements that happen in the discussion boards and through the assignment itself. I will not grade any research paper draft/outline or final research paper without research question, working thesis and library instruction assignments submitted.

A research question (Slideshow example)
A Working Thesis
A library instruction module created for our course
A draft/outline of the paper–submitted before the research paper. (This is listed as Essay 3, research paper draft in assignments)
The final version of the Research paper must be a revised version of the draft/outline of the Research paper. (In other words, students cannot submit the exact same paper twice; see syllabus for further statements on plagiarism).

The final research paper must meet the following formatting and source requirements:

A minimum of five (to a maximum six) secondary sources must be used including two types of resources. A citation for the television show is also needed.
All sources (except for the television show–the primary source) must come from the MVCC library resources unless you ask for permission to use them. Just send a Canvas message with a link and a brief analysis of the source’s credibility so that I can make that determination.
MLA 9 format is required for in-text and works cited entries.
You need a combination of six direct quotes and/or paraphrases (with the quotes introduced).
The research paper process counts for 20 percent of a student’s grade in COM 102.
No student can pass COM 102 without submitting and passing this assignment with a grade of C or higher.
COM department grading standards of grammar and mechanics still apply. See Rubric.
The page count is 6-7 pages excluding the Works Cited page.

The draft/outline should attempt to meet the above source requirements, but sources could change, for example. A draft/outline is a place to start the process of pulling your ideas together. Your research questions and working thesis should (and must) change as you move toward the final research paper.

Note: Any intentional plagiarism (that means copying some other work and turning it in as your own, buying a paper online, or having someone else–including a chatbot–write the paper) will earn an “F” for the course. See the plagiarism policy in the course syllabus for more information.

To avoid plagiarism: Cite all your sources. Know what is your work and what is the work of others. Be mindful of your resources. Errors in citation can pull strong writing into the C and D levels. Please make sure to reach out for help.

Here is an example of an argumentative position on an episode from The Good Place. The Good Place example meets the needs of our research assignment and contains a step-by-step breakdown of the research process. Following this process example will eliminate some of the accidental errors sometimes made with citation.

Assignment meets the following requirements from the syllabus:

COM 102 Course Content Outcomes

1. Analyze the choices writers make to suit purpose and audience.

2. Use a variety of tools for prewriting, drafting, revision, and editing.

3. Construct an argument based on a text.

4. Demonstrate awareness of elements of rhetoric.

5. Adapt style and tone to purpose and audience.

6. Create connections among texts.

7. Guide an argument with writer’s own voice while seamlessly integrating sources.

8. Use more advanced, independent information literacy skills to creatively select sources tailored to purpose and audience.

9. Document and cite sources in MLA style.

10. Demonstrate more sophisticated style choices for clarity, conciseness, cohesion, and emphasis.

Here is the link to the assignment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/183IQBx0YQbA-4EODSgQDD6rzmF7bYmR7bptt3a5K6m8/edit?usp=sharingLinks to an external site.

Resource: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1f-hqgr9uOZhzu40t7KQ7fkCiYGAjFwDPL7-PqAYE3nw/edit?usp=sharingLinks to an external site.

Resource: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1On5fbR-4ZneL0F-nDLVEVHBPNYFDVBfzkvLBPSn831I/edit?usp=sharingLinks to an external site.