Writing Help


Hi, I need help writing some paragraphs for my English class that’s helping us with scholarships, and I would appreciate your guy’s help! Below, I will attach the questions, and in parentheses, there’s some personal information about myself. 1.) In 300 words, what community problem do you want to solve and how do you plan to use your future success to help solve it? (The problem I would like to solve would be healthcare. My future success would be becoming a Physician Assistant) 2.) In 300 words, what is your passion and how did you discover it? (My passion is to become a doctor and be able to help as many people as possible and contribute to help find a cure for cancer. I discovered it when I was told that my grandpa died from cancer and that my grandma had a heart attack when I was younger) 3.) If you had an entire day and no limits on what you could do, buy or experience, how would you spend this day and why? (I could see myself helping homeless people, I would love to assist in the surgical department of a hospital, and I would love to buy my parents their dream house) 4.) The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. In 300 words or less, recount a time when you faced a challenge, a setback or failure that made you think you were not going to make it through, but you did. (I’m an immigrant, so when I arrived in the US, I saw myself in a really difficult situation when it came to the language, school, and making friends) 5.) In 300 words or less, if you could have dinner with one living person and one historical figure who has inspired you, who would your choice be and what would you want to discuss? (It doesn’t have to be anyone in specific, but try making it medical-related if possible) 6.) In 300 words, write a letter to your future self. What would you like her to remember about the person you are today? (I would like her to remember that she is strong and can phase anything that comes her way, that she will achieve everything she sets her mind to, that she has a great heart, and to smile more than she does now) If there are any questions regarding any of the questions, please feel free to ask me. I wish I could do this, but I don’t have the time.

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