writing discussion question


From the slides Chapter 1: Discuss the 12 sub-disciplines. Give a description of the 12 sub-disciplines in Kinesiology as well as the 3 Allied Fields. Provide at least 2 career opportunities for each sub discipline as well as the 3 allied fields. Please folip the APA format guidelines. Such as double space and font size, etc. Please do not list the disciplines in bullet points.

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Because learning changes everything.®
Chapter 1
Meaning and Scope
Copyright © 2021 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport Defined 1
• Historically, physical education programs focused on teaching children
and youths in school settings.
• Today, physical education is defined as an educational process that
uses physical activity as a means to help individuals acquire skills,
fitness, knowledge, and attitudes that contribute to their optimal
development and well-being.
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Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport Defined 2
Education refers to the ongoing process of learning that occurs
throughout our lifespan.
• Takes place in a variety of settings and is not limited to a specific age
Physical Education.
• Includes the acquisition and refinement of motor skills, the
development and maintenance of fitness for optimal health and well
being, the attainment of knowledge about physical activities, and the
fostering of positive attitudes conducive to lifelong learning and
lifespan participation.
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Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport Defined 3
Exercise Science.
• Scientific analysis of exercise or, more inclusively, physical activity.
• Highly organized, competitive physical activities governed by rules.
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The Profession
Occupation requiring specialized training in an intellectual field of study
that is dedicated to the betterment of society through service to others.
Professionals require a bachelor’s degree and pursue advanced study
via graduate programs in their respective fields.
• Professional preparation programs include extensive study in the
theoretical aspects of the field, skill and content knowledge
development, and practical experiences that allow them to apply their
knowledge and use their skills under the guidance of qualified
Professionals’ commitment to promote lifespan physical activity for all
members of society benefits the health of the nation.
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Academic Discipline
• An organized body of knowledge collectively embraced in a formal
course of learning. The acquisition of such knowledge is assumed to
be an adequate and worthy objective as such, without any
demonstration or requirement of practical application. The content is
theoretical and scholarly as distinguished from technical and
Has a focus, a conceptual framework that provides structure for the field,
a unique scope in comparison to other fields, and distinct scholarly
methods and modes of inquiry leading to the advancement of knowledge
and deeper understanding.
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The Disciplines 1
Exercise Physiology.
• Study of the effects of various physical demands, particularly exercise,
on the structure and function of the body.
Sports Medicine/Athletic Training.
• Concerned with the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports
related injuries.
Sport Biomechanics.
• Applies the methods of physics and mechanics to the study of human
motion and the motion of sport objects.
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The Disciplines 2
Sport Philosophy.
• Examines sport from many different perspectives.
Sport History.
• Critical examination of the past, with a focus on events, people, and
trends that influenced the development and direction of the field.
Sport and Physical Activity Psychology.
• Uses principles and scientific methods from psychology to study
human behavior in sport.
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The Disciplines 3
Motor Development.
• Studies the factors that influence the development of abilities essential
to movement.
Motor Learning.
• Study of changes in motor behavior that are primarily the result of
practice and experience.
• The effect of the content, frequency, and timing of feedback on skill
learning is a critical area of study.
Sport Sociology.
• Study of the role of sport in society, its impact on participants in sport,
and the relationship between sport and other societal institutions.
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The Disciplines 4
Physical Education Pedagogy.
• Study of teaching and learning in school and nonschool settings.
Adapted Physical Activity/Physical Education.
• Concerned with the preparation of teachers and sport leaders to
provide programs and services for individuals with disabilities.
Sport Management.
• Encompasses the many managerial aspects of sport, including
personnel management, budgeting, facility management, and
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Allied Fields
• Health education concerns itself with the total well-being of the
individual, encompassing physical, mental, social, emotional,
occupational, and spiritual health.
Recreation and Leisure.
• Self-chosen activities that provide a means of revitalizing and
refreshing one’s body and spirit.
• A physical activity and a performing art that
gives participants an opportunity for aesthetic
expression through movement.
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Growing as a Professional in Physical Education,
Exercise Science, and Sport
The field and the specialized area of study is constantly changing, placing
professionals in a position to continue their knowledge development
based on the latest research, both scientific and practitioner-based.
• Research findings create opportunities for professionals to inform,
change, modify, and enhance their practice.
It is an individual’s ethical duty to stay current in the latest research,
practice, and technologies to provide your students, clients, and players
with the most accurate and effective instruction and practice.
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Reading Research
Scientific research.
• Based on a systematic approach to gathering information that
potentially answers an investigated question.
Practitioner-based research.
• Focuses on how to apply the information learned within your
instruction or area of practice.
Quantitative research.
• Based on numbers, primarily the statistical analysis of numeric data
that were gathered.
Qualitative research.
• Answers questions through words, images, and sounds.
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Staying Up to Date with Technology
• Helps professionals stay abreast of new developments in the field.
• Facilitates communication among professionals.
• Plays a role in professional activities such as teaching, assessment,
and research.
Ways in which technology helps professionals fulfill their responsibilities.
• Communicating and collaborating with colleagues.
• Sharing ideas and resources.
• Taking advantage of professional development opportunities.
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Social Justice Talking Points
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Talking Points 1 and 2
• Physical activity initiatives and opportunities need to be provided to all
individuals regardless of one’s social identity and status; for example,
gender identity, race, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic
status, and age; if we want to increase physical activity levels and
decrease chronic and hypokinetic diseases.
• All aspects of human movement need to be advocated for and
supported rather than placing emphasis on judging and critiquing the
level or type of an activity over others (for example, playing a sport is
better than walking or doing yoga).
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Talking Points 3 and 4
• Emphasis needs to be placed on the interrelatedness of the disciplines
and allied fields instead of the disciplines operating as silos or in
competition with one another.
• Establishing a critical perspective through scientific based research
will allow professionals to make informed decisions that influence their
clients, players, employees, or students.
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Taking Action
What is one issue of social justice you think needs to be addressed
relative to your career path within the field and/or 12 disciplines?
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Current Trends: Moving toward the Future
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Current Trends 1
• The disciplines within the field of kinesiology will continue to be
interdisciplinary, yet also align with other areas within the medical,
health, and business fields.
• Advanced degrees are increasingly required for many professions
within the disciplines.
• The disciplines of exercise physiology, sport medicine/athletic training,
and sport management are rapidly expanding.
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Current Trends 2
• Physical activity levels, nationally and worldwide, will continue to
decline if access and opportunity are not provided to all individuals.
• Physical activity and health initiatives and policy will begin to make a
positive impact on people’s longevity and quality of life.
• Empirical research will continue to provide us with valuable
information that will allow us to make informed decisions about our
health and wellness.
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Moving toward the Future
What is one trend you see today that will impact you and/or your career
path in the future?
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Because learning changes everything.
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