WRITING 100 TO 300 words


Each student must either submit an original thread or a response to another student’s thread for all 4 discussions. Only ONE submittal is required for each discussion. If responding to another student’s thread, you must cite to whom you are responding. Be sure to read the prompt and questions carefully and answer all questions.Posting should be a minimum of 1 short paragraph and a maximum of 2 paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the 100-300 word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or internet. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.Be organized in your thoughts and ideasIncorporate correlations with the assigned readings or topicsStay on topic.Provide evidence of critical, college-level thinking and thoughtful in your responses or interactions. Avoid summarizing.Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion.Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics.Use proper etiquette. Remember that being respectful is critical.

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Protecting the public is the bedrock of
ASCE’s Code of Ethics
A small environmental engineering firm provides water sampling services for various wastewater
treatment plants, coal mining operations, and industrial manufacturers in a mid-Atlantic state. As
a condition of its environmental permit, each of the firm’s clients is required to conduct routine
testing of water discharge produced by its operations. In addition, a client must submit reports to
the state’s Department of Environmental Protection verifying that the tested discharge does not
exceed pollutant limits imposed by state and federal law.
For nearly a decade, the water sampling business has provided a steady, if not exactly lucrative,
source of revenue for the engineering firm, with the firm’s staff collecting samples and preparing
the paperwork for its clients while outsourcing the actual testing to an outside laboratory. Recently,
however, the firm has fallen on hard times. As profit margins dwindle, the engineering firm finds
it increasingly difficult to keep up with the cost of doing business. With unpaid bills mounting, the
firm’s outside laboratory announces it will no longer provide testing services to the firm, and the
firm is unable to find another facility willing to perform the needed work.
Desperate to avoid exacerbating the firm’s problems with unmet commitments and unhappy
clients, the firm’s principal directs a member of his staff to prepare the paperwork as if the testing
had been completed, using data taken from reports submitted in previous years. At the engineer’s
direction, the staff member submits nearly 100 falsified reports over a 10-month period. But the
firm’s problems do not end with the fraudulent reports. Irregularities in the firm’s reporting of
withheld payroll taxes draw scrutiny from the IRS, and the fraudulent reporting scheme is
uncovered in the subsequent investigation.
If the principal in this case had been an ASCE member, would his conduct have violated the ASCE
Code of Ethics?

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