Write Your Outline


Now that you have selected a topic and thought about your thesis statement, the next step is writing an outline to help you plan the final essay. Download and complete the appropriate outline for the topic you have selected.When you are finished with your outline, submit it by clicking on the title of this page and submitting a Microsoft Word document. Do not type your outline into Blackboard using the “Text Submission” button; you must submit a file. Outlines not submitted as Microsoft Word documents may be returned to you ungraded.There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.Essay Outline Choice 1.docxEssay Outline Choice 2.docx

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Creating an Outline for Option 1
Instructions: Write complete sentences to fill in the items below.
• Briefly paraphrase the
maxims you’ve chosen and
explain why they are
important values.
• Identify the film and give a
brief description of the
characters you are
• Remember to avoid the
first-person point of view
(I, me, my, our, ours) and
the second-person point of
view (you, your, yours) in
formal writing.
Thesis Statement (fill in the
blanks on the right). This will
be the last sentence of your
Three maxims from Franklin’s “The Way to Wealth” that the characters
embody in The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby) are _____, _____,
and _____.
Body Paragraphs: This is where you will develop each of the points in your thesis statement.
Body Paragraph 1:
Elaborate on the
first point in your
thesis statement
Topic Sentence: (Example: [Character’s name] embodies Franklin’s maxim of
“____” when they _____.)
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Concluding Sentence:
Quote(s) from the film you will use to support this point:
Body Paragraph 2:
Elaborate on the
second point in
your thesis
Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the
second maxim you selected)
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Concluding Sentence:
Quote(s) from the film you will use to support this point:
Body Paragraph 3:
Elaborate on the
third point in your
thesis statement
Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the third
maxim you selected)
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Concluding Sentence:
Quote(s) from the film you will use to support this point:
Summarize the
main points in the
body paragraphs
and paraphrase
your thesis.
Creating an Outline for Option 2
Instructions: Write complete sentences to fill in the items below.
• Identify the titles and
authors of the works you
are analyzing.
• Give a brief description of
the characters you are
• Remember to avoid the
first-person point of view
(I, me, my, our, ours) and
the second-person point of
view (you, your, yours) in
formal writing.
Thesis Statement (fill in the
blanks for one of the thesis
statements on the right). This
will be the last sentence of
your introduction.
While some differences between (name of character 1) and (name of
character 2) are evident, they are similar in the aspects of (trait #1, trait
#2, and trait #3). (You will determine three points of comparison from the
pool, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs.)
While some similarities between (name of character 1) and (name of
character 2) are evident, they are different in the aspects of (trait #1, trait
#2, and trait #3). (You will determine three points of comparison from the
pool, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs.)
Body Paragraphs: This is where you will develop each of the points in your thesis statement.
Body Paragraph 1:
Elaborate on the
first point in your
thesis statement
Topic Sentence: (Example: [character 1] and [character 2] are [similar / different] in
terms of (trait #1) because _____.)
Detail 1: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the first character)
Quote to support the claim you are making about the first character:
Detail 2: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the second
Quote to support the claim you are making about the second character:
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph 2:
Elaborate on the
second point in
your thesis
Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the
second point you are comparing/contrasting)
Detail 1: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the first character)
Quote to support the claim you are making about the first character:
Detail 2: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the second
Quote to support the claim you are making about the second character:
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph 3:
Elaborate on the
third point in your
thesis statement
Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a claim about the third
point you are comparing/contrasting)
Detail 1: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the first character)
Quote to support the claim you are making about the first character:
Detail 2: (a complete sentence that details how the point applies to the second
Quote to support the claim you are making about the second character:
Concluding Sentence:
Summarize the
main points in the
body paragraphs
and paraphrase
your thesis.

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