Write two small paragraphs


Paragraph 1 How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking — An appeal that everybody likes
Paragraph 2 When nothing else works, try this—- Throw down a challenge.

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Write two small paragraphs
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Review the assigned chapter in the Dale Carnegie book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Select two of the assigned principles and work to apply the principle(s) during your daily life. Anyone that you encounter offers an opportunity to apply these principles. provide two (2) journal updates about your experience; provide personal examples of how you applied your chosen principles in your daily life. Briefly, answer each of the following questions in your discussion.

What principle did you select?
Who did you interact with?
What was the context?
What did you expect?
What happened?
How did it make you feel?
What did you learn?
What surprised you?
Going forward, how can you apply what you learned?