write two paragraph


purpose:This assignment will help us to identify what barriers lie between us and our success.It also will help us to explore a plan to overcome those barriers before they arriveFor this assignment, take a moment to reflect on your path to success in thiscourse. Explain what barriers stand in the way to your success. These could include: time management outside obligations such as work or childcare financial challenges personal traits such as procrastination or paying attention in class other things not listed above

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Barriers Assignment
Dr. Klauza
Purpose: This assignment will help us to identify what barriers lie between us and our success.
It also will help us to explore a plan to overcome those barriers before they arrive.
Assignment: For this assignment, take a moment to reflect on your path to success in this
course. Explain what barriers stand in the way to your success. These could include:

time management
outside obligations such as work or childcare
financial challenges
personal traits such as procrastination or paying attention in class
other things not listed above
Then explain your plan to overcome or work around these barriers.
Be sure all of your parts are labeled and highlighted.
Here is how I (Dr. Klauza) would approach this prompt:
Some background about me: When I was in your seat as a college student in Michigan, I
worked full-time as a carpenter during the day. Since I was supporting myself and on my own
with no financial help from my parents, I didn’t have an option not to work. Since rent, car
insurance, and bills were expensive, I had to work full-time. This left only the evening to take
classes and work on homework. As a result, I had to plan time into my schedule so that I could
have enough time get my homework done. I made a plan to work on Saturday mornings, Sunday
evenings, Tuesday nights, and Thursday nights. This way, I was allowing enough time to get my
homework done, but also allowed some rest time in between (swinging a hammer all day is
exhausting, especially in the Michigan summer heat and winter ice). I also knew I would be
tired, so I budgeted time to recover with a hot shower and a cup of coffee after work so that I
could be prepared mentally to get the work done in the evening.
What I would write about: For this assignment, I would identify not only my work
schedule as a barrier, but also exhaustion and finding time to work on homework. I would
include budgeting my homework time and the acts of hot showers and coffee as a means to
address those barriers.
I would plan to write two paragraphs.
I would outline them using the 1,2,3,4 method we discussed in class (see next page)
And I will label and highlight all of my parts.
Barriers Assignment
Paragraph 1: my work schedule as a barrier
Paragraph 2: my exhaustion/finding time to work on homework as a barrier
Dr. Klauza

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