Write Program in C++


Need program written in C++ by Jan, 21st in the evening. Question 4: Write a program that converts a number entered in Roman numerals to a positive integer. Your program should consist of a class romanType. An object of type romanType should do the following: Store the number as a Roman numeral.Convert and store the number as a positive integer.Print the number as a Roman numeral or positive integer as requested by the user. The integer values of the Roman numerals are: M 1000, D 500, C 100, L 50, X 10, V 5, I 1, Submit a header file consists of class declaration, a cpp file which includes member function definitions, and another cpp file which includes main function. Test your program using the following Roman numerals: MCXIV, CCCLIX, and MDCLXVI. Copy and paste the screenshot of the output here.

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