Write Discussion Board Answer


Write Discussion Board Answer 4 answers for 4 topics based on the video and ppt or some help (each answer is about 500 words, one of that 300 words is enough)

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Storytelling (Participation #3)
Write a 300(ish) word short story concerning Climate Change or Sustainability.
Engineering (Participation #3)
A simple, yet complicated, question. How do the general principles of Engineering provide a
positive basis towards a more Sustainable future?
Environmental History (Participation #3)
Write a letter to your future self (in, say, 2050) from within the climate crisis. What
does it mean, in the 2020s to live in the Anthropocene? In what ways has climate
change already changed your lived experience? Or has it? Reflect on what climate
change means to you, and what you would like your future self to know about you in
the 2020s.
(in replies feel free to ask questions but, as with storytelling, this is an exploratory
exercise and meant to be reflective and maybe even fun. Be encouraging)
Geological Perspectives of Climate Change
(Participation #3)
Discuss how the geological record can help us address climate change moving

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