write about a video


Watch the video, read the article, and then answer the questions.

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Watch this PBS FrontlineLinks to an external site. 10 minute clip, which explores the impact of television on a remote Buddhist kingdom in the Himalayas. After centuries of self-imposed isolation, Bhutan legalized TV in 1999 — the last country in the world to do so. Prior to that, television and the Internet were illegal; royal decrees were intended to safeguard the country against what was feared to be an onslaught of Western values.
Read this article “Has TV Changed BhutanLinks to an external site.? This is from 2004 and looks at the situation in Bhutan 5 years after the introduction of TV.

https://amara.org/videos/A5tTik99nofO/info/world-video-frontline-pbs2/Links to an external site.

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Questions: (please number your responses)
What stood out to you / most interested you from the video? Discuss.
Based on what you saw in the video, what is the role of mass media in a society?
What are the major issues (both positive and negative) that emerge from the change of the introduction of TV?
Discuss one thing that has changed in Bhutan 5 years after the introduction of TV (refer to the BBC article above).
Submission and Grading
Please number your responses
Length: Approximately 2-4 pages, with a minimum of 2 pages (double spaced)
Double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font
Please submit your assignment as a document (Word, PDF). Please do not use Pages, as the instructor can’t open this file.
The following document files can be attached: .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .txt
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