write a psych eval on conduct disorder


S.M. is 13 years old with extensive disruptive behavior episodes; her mother brought her in due to increasing concern. The mother stated a history of defiance, aggression, and disregard for rules at home and school. His conduct included physical fights, vandalism, theft, and truancy. Despite interventions from school administrators and disciplinary measures at home, the Patient’s behavior continued to escalate. The daughter stated, ” I don’t know why my mum thinks something is wrong with this old woman who doesn’t understand me. The patient was s very rude and uncooperative throughout the assessment. She denies any suicidal or homicidal ideation. PLAN: start Lamictal 25mg BID and Olanzepine 2.5mg at bedtime follow up in 2 weeks

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write a psych eval on conduct disorder
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