write a program that gets an input tabular format


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write a program that gets an input tabular format
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COP-4338 System Programming
Programming Assignment 3:
FIU Knight Foundation School of Comp. & Info Sciences
In this assignment, you will write a program that gets an input tabular format (txt1
or csv2 ) and an output tabular format (txt or csv) as command-line arguments, receives
multiple lines from the standard input stream in the given input format, and fnally prints
out the lines after converting them to the given output format.
Program Command Line Arguments
The program must support the following command-line arguments:
• -i fmt: specifies the input format where fmt is a placeholder for one of the two supported
formats: csv or txt. Default input format is txt.
• -o fmt: specifies the output format where fmt is a placeholder for one of the two
supported formats: csv or txt. Default output format is csv.
• -e: makes the program to convert the values of cells containing double values to their
equivalent normalized scientific notation with 3 digits of precision after the decimal
• -x: makes the program to convert the values of cells containing integer values to
their equivalent hexadecimal values.
• -s: makes the program to truncate the values of cells containing non-numerical strings
to prefixes of length 5. If the length of a cell value is less than 5, the program does not
change the cell value.
• -c: makes the program to remove leading and trailing white-spaces from each cell of
input data.
a.k.a. tab-delimited format which is used for storing tabular data. In this format, cells of the same row
are separated by tab and two consequent rows are separated by a new line.
a.k.a. comma-separated values format which is used for storing tabular data. In this format, cells of the
same row are separated by comma and two consequent rows are separated by a new line.
Input/Output of Your Program
Your program must accept a sequence of lines followed by an EOF character from standard
input stream. Here is an example of program input:
Hello World!
-23 ctrl + D
The output is given under diferent combinations of command-line arguments:
Expected Output
12,-12.3,Hello World!
Sente„ ,
./convert -exsc
12,-12.3,Hello World!
./convert -i txt -o csv
./convert -i txt -o csv -xces Sente„ ,
12 -12.3 Hello World!
./convert -i csv -o csv
23. -23
12 -12.3 Hello World!
./convert -i csv -o txt
23. -23
You need to submit a .zip fle compressing the followings:
• all .c and .h fles
• makefle which organizes the compilation process of your program. Use the word
“convert” to name the executable of your program.
#define error(m, c) do{fprintf(stderr, “%sn”, m);exit(c);}while(0)
typedef enum{
NONE = 0,//no flags are passed in CLAs
CLEAR = 1,//-c
HEX = 1
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