week 7 work two worksheets one discussion
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Coms 440 Reading Worksheet
Answer the following sections in your own words, unless a quote/citation is requested.
1) Title of Text:
2) Date of Publication:
3) Author’s Name/s:
4) Disciplinary Background of Author: Google the author. Explain the author’s
scholarly specialization & qualifications to write on this topic.
5) Topic: Explain the MAIN topic of the text.
6) Content Questions:
a) Explain the MAIN thesis/claim/argument of the text.
b) Summarize and explain the MAIN arguments, ideas, concepts, or theories the
author uses to build the thesis.
i) Include an explanation of any of the supporting arguments that are used to
help build the primary thesis.
ii) List the theorists or authors or historical events that influenced the author’s
primary thesis.
iii) List and define 2–4 KEY TERMS that the author relies on MOST to construct
their MAIN argument. Consider what concepts heavily used and explain what
these words mean within the context of the article.
7) Significant Quote from Reading:
a) Identify an interesting or significant statement made in the text and include a
direct quote.
b) Explain what you understand this passage means and how it is relevant to the
main argument of the text.
c) Explain if and how this text connects to previous readings, ideas, concepts, etc.,
explored earlier in the course.
8) Your Critical Questions for Class Discussion:
a) Summarize the thoughts/questions/ideas that the reading raised for you.
b) Develop 2 questions (relevant to the main argument) that will support a
discussion/exploration of the author’s topic and/or primary thesis.
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