work on 2 part each part 1 slide



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work on 2 part each part 1 slide
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-Do power point slide

– Use the Attach file to do your work reserch information

– Add a lot Information + picture to the slide

– please use one slid – 11″x17″ and design writing information and the pictures as the picture that attachet

– Please add a gutter to the left side of the slide

– In addition to answering the questions of the assignment, give a clear description of what duties each consultant provides for the project



Topic explores design concepts and how to find and express them in your project


Eisenmann Wolf d Prix

Slavoj Zizek with…

What are the key beliefs of Slavoj Zisek?

Slavoj Žižek’s work traverses the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and

political theory, taking in film, popular culture, literature and jokes—all to provide acute analyses

of the complexities of contemporary ideology as well as a serious and sophisticated philosophy.

Despite his activity in liberal democratic projects, Žižek has continued to identify himself as a

communist, and has been critical of right-wing circles, such as nationalists, conservatives, and

classical liberals both in Slovenia and worldwide.

For Slavoj Žižek everything is ideology: whether capitalism or tolerance, Islam or simply day-to-

day life. Buying a mobile, choosing clothes, toothpaste – it is all cloaked in ideological terms.

Therefore for him, Marxist social criticism is not a thing of the past, it is more current than ever.

Where before people used to be blinded by religion, today they are subjugated by technocracy

and capitalism, Žižek finds. Nevertheless, the Slovenian philosopher holds on to the idea of truth

and advocates human rights and Eurocentrism. He explains how all this fits together in his

conversation with Barbara Bleisch.

We will watch the short video on how to develop a design concept, and also the fun video

that shows some friendly banter between architects on the importance of design


You will listen and watch the other links on your own time.

You will develop a design concept with Slavoj Zizek as the client. Slavoj wants you to

develop a design concept for a movie he is working on. The movie has its themes based in

the jury interaction between Peter Eisenmann and Wolf d Prix.


2/ use the picture attached to answer

This topic describes the elements in Proposals – important elements in the project startup.

Proposals are generally single page documents that get your foot in the door. They allow you to
start work and even begin billing without the full commitment of a Contract. They contain the
basic terms of the deal, but without a lot of detail. They allow you to begin a project without
investing a lot of time and expense into the creation of a full Contract, which can involve lawyers
and a lot of time. .
For this assignment, understand the critical components that must be present. Understand and
describe how fees are derived, and describe the phases of the work outlined within.
This Topic assignment is based on the in class lecture on whiteboard.
For the assignment, create your own proposal. Choose the square footage of the house to be
between 1,200 sf and 4,000 sf (but not 2,500 sf which was in in-class example). Calculate the
fee using a construction cost multiplier of $475 per square foot and architectural fee percentage
of your own choosing.
Please see the sample proposal included in the prompt.
For those that are presenting the expanded presentation, go into detail for all elements of the

Unformatted Attachment Preview

architecture + planning
1955 Julian Avenue, San Diego, CA 92113 619.851.4083
June 10, 2021
Lee Frincke
Proposal for Architectural Services
2146 Woodwind Dr, APN 265-331-32-00
Dear Lee, please accept the following Proposal for Architecture Services. This proposal
outlines the tasks, cost estimates and timelines that we discussed yesterday. There is a
lot of information packed into this letter so please reach out via phone or email at any
time. We will sign a more formal contract shortly, but this simple proposal will get us
started. We may have adjustments to scope
The project is an Accessory Dwelling Unit of approximately 1,200 sf. This proposal
includes architectural services only. All other consultants are hired by the owner directly.
Public will coordinate all owner consultants. Consultants include a surveyor,
geotechnical engineer, structural engineer, and others if necessary.
Contract Signed
June 30, 2021
Survey Complete
July 31, 2021
Schematic Design
October 31, 2021
Design Development
December 31, 2021
Construction Documents
March 31, 2022
Permitting Complete
May 31, 2022
10-12 months, Project Complete May 2023
The fee is based on estimated Hard Costs. This in turn is arrived at with an estimated
square footage of approximately 1,200 sf. If we assign a budget of $350 per square foot,
the Hard Cost estimate is approximately $420,000.. The architectural fee is 15% of
estimated hard costs. The architecture only fee is $63,000 for this project.
Schematic Design
Design Development
Construction Documents
Permit and Bid Review
Construction Administration
% of FEE
$ 12,600
$ 12,600
$ 22,050
$ 6,300
$ 9,450
$ 63,000
I appreciate this opportunity for us to work together and look forward to working with you
on this project and hope to begin at your convenience.
Sincerely yours,
Jim Brown
Agreed to
James Brown
Lee Frincke

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