women and Crime


Women, gender, and crime textbook you will use both media sources and the textbook from this course to evaluate and compare the images and realities of women’s experiences with crime and the criminal justice system.

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For this paper, you will use both media sources and the textbook from this course to evaluate and
compare the images and realities of women’s experiences with crime and the criminal justice system.
You will complete this assignment in the following steps:
First, locate and select five media sources to develop a clear image of how these media present women
in criminal justice. Use any of the following media sources: movies, books (fiction or non-fiction),
newspapers, news programs, internet sources, music lyrics, magazines, or television programs (fiction
or based on fact). You can use any combination of source types (e.g., a podcast, movie, and tv show
or three newspaper articles, etc.).
Next, evaluate and reflect upon your media sources regarding their portrayal of women in the context
of crime and justice versus what you are learning from the text. You must connect each media source
to one specific course concept (you cannot repeat the same course concept. Five media sources need
to be connected to five separate course concepts). Some examples to help you think about this:
• Do your media sources perpetuate any of the rape myths covered in the text?
• Are there elements of theories covered in this course that are depicted in your media sources?
• What about aspects of the cycle of intimate partner violence? Or, barriers to leaving an
abusive relationship?
• How do these media sources cover issues of human trafficking versus what the research
• What about risk factors for juvenile delinquency or stereotypes of the “violent” girl?
• How do these media portray women who work in the criminal justice system compared to the
realities for women in the field?
These are just a few ideas of many that could be covered in this assignment. Be creative in both your
selection of sources and the ways you will link those sources to concepts covered in this course. Once
you have identified how you will link your sources to the text, you will be ready to write your final
Final papers should be written in essay format and include the following:
1. Introduction: Provide a clear introductory paragraph that presents an overview of the purpose of this
paper and what media sources you will cover.
2. Evaluation of your first media source: You should use roughly .5 to 1 pages describing your first
source and how this media source portrays women in criminal justice. You should compare that image
with one concept from the text. Be sure to define/explain your course concept clearly. Is the media
portrayal accurate? Why or why not?
3. Evaluation of your second media source: You should use roughly .5 to 1 pages describing your
second source and how this media source portrays women in criminal justice. You should compare
that image with one concept from the text. Be sure to define/explain your course concept clearly. Is the
media portrayal accurate? Why or why not?
4. Evaluation of your third media source: You should use roughly .5 to 1 pages describing your third
source and how this media source portrays women in criminal justice. You should compare
that image with one concept from the text. Be sure to define/explain your course concept clearly. Is the
media portrayal accurate? Why or why not?
5. Evaluation of your fourth media source: You should use roughly .5 to 1 pages describing your third
source and how this media source portrays women in criminal justice. You should compare that image
with one concept from the text. Be sure to define/explain your course concept clearly. Is the media
portrayal accurate? Why or why not?
6. Evaluation of your fifth media source: You should use roughly .5 to 1 pages describing your third
source and how this media source portrays women in criminal justice. You should compare that image
with one concept from the text. Be sure to define/explain your course concept clearly. Is the media
portrayal accurate? Why or why not?
5. Conclusion: Conclude your paper with a discussion (1 to 2 paragraphs) on the accuracy of media
portrayals overall versus research. End with what you learned from this exercise.
Below is designed as a ‘check list’ to cover basic requirements for this paper. Be sure to review this
checklist prior to turning in your paper. You will lose points if you do not follow these formatting
• Typed and submitted as a Word or PDF document
• 1-inch margins
• Double-spaced
• Use 12 pt ‘Times New Roman’ font or similar font
• 3.5 to 5 pages, excluding title page and reference page
• Title page (with your name and date)
• Reference page (i.e. cite media sources and textbook using APA format)
• Edited for spelling/grammar
• Minimize the use of direct quotations
Citation Tips
The citation for your textbook to be included on your reference page:
Mallicoat, S.L. (2023). Women, gender, and crime: Core concepts. 2nd Edition. Sage Publications.
Here is a resource for citing media sources in APA on your reference page:
In-text Citations: I only expect you to cite your textbook within your paper. You should reference
your textbook when making your direct connection between each media source and a course concept.
Here is how the citations should appear within your paper:
If this was a sentence in your paper where you are referring to a course concept, you can end the
sentence with the citation (Mallicoat, 2023).
You can also cite in-text by using the author’s name. For example: Mallicoat (2023) explains….

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