Wk8 Geo discussion responses


morgan—Antarctica has experienced warming temperatures over the past few decades. While it is still the coldest place on Earth, some regions of the Antarctic Peninsula have seen significant temperature increases, leading to the melting of ice. Antarctica is home to the largest ice sheet on Earth. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, in particular, has shown signs of instability and has been losing mass. Ice shelves along the peninsula have also experienced calving events, where large sections break off, leading to concerns about sea level rise. The melting of ice in Antarctica contributes to global sea level rise. If the entire Antarctic Ice Sheet were to melt, it could result in a sea level rise of over 60 meters (around 200 feet). While complete melting is not expected in the near future, even partial melting has significant implications for coastal areas around the world. Changes in temperature and ice conditions affect the ecosystems in Antarctica, including species that are adapted to the extreme cold. For example, krill, a key component of the Antarctic food web, is sensitive to changes in sea ice, which can impact the entire ecosystem. Scientists conduct extensive research in Antarctica to monitor climate changes and understand their implications. This includes studies on ice dynamics, ocean currents, atmospheric conditions, and the biology of the region. Researchers use a variety of tools, including satellite observations and field studies, to gather data. Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which designates the continent as a scientific preserve and bans military activity. Scientific research in Antarctica involves collaboration among many countries, and international efforts are underway to better understand and address the impacts of climate change on the region. Resolving the complex issue of climate change, including its impacts on regions like Antarctica, requires comprehensive and coordinated efforts at local, national, and global levels:Transition to renewable and clean energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.Accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions.Invest in research and development of new technologies for clean energy production and storage.Improve energy efficiency in industries, transportation, and buildings.Implement policies and incentives to reduce deforestation and promote sustainable land useConstatine—–For this week’s assignment I decided to choose topic 1. Throughout the class I commonly pick an issue or conflict to talk about because I am always curious about what is happening in other parts of the world. Australia is currently struggling with many environmental issues like deforestation, agricultural clearing and overgrazing, overfishing, exotic species and pollution to name a few. Deforestation in the western part of Australia has caused a rise in saline in the soil which has entered the water table which affects water quality. Overgrazing is a main issue in Australia. Due to grazing, in temperate ecosystems, less than 2% of the original grasslands remain and in total around 13% of Australia’s original vegetation has been removed since European settlement. Australia has designated fishing zones in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Beyond that zone is where there is a major problem with overfishing. Fish stocks are dangerously low in some areas and there are more fish being caught then time allowed for them to reproduce. There is also still a major problem of sharks being caught only for their fins endangering many species. One of the craziest things is that it is estimated that Australia gains around 20 new pests or diseases each year. Introductions of new pests and diseases affect both the people and environment of Australia. There is a large growth of new plant life to Australia which affects bushland, rangelands, coasts, rainforests, deserts and farms. With all of these environmental changes you can see how the land, people, animals and vegetation are all affected. Have a great week,

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