Wk8 business responses


lauren—My greatest takeaway from this course would have to be how important security is. It doesn’t matter how great and profitable your company is, if the company can be easily targeted by ransom-ware, you’re stuck. As annoying as employees may find it, which apparently is more common than I previously thought, 2FA should definitely be the standard for companies. Being comfortable isn’t worth being at risk.

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For what concept I might apply, it’s hard to say with my career being Active Duty at the moment. But I will say the Global Business and Ethical Practices definitely opened my eyes to the good and bad of global marketing. I’m sure I’ve always seen it, but now I’m aware and can’t be ignorant of it. Also the different definitions of ethics. Not too long ago I had my own ethical dilemma. I went to look for resources on how to work through it, there were people who had the same ethics I did, people who seemed to have the same ethics I did but came to a different conclusion, and people who had completely different ethics. So seeing how the very definition of ethics can different reminds me that we are not all the same and we all deserve to be heard without judgement.

My next course will be Leadership and Motivation. It’s an upper lever class so I’m nervous about it. But thankfully, this class got me back into the mindset of doing school work throughout the week and whenever time allowed.

john—It’s been a pleasure to learn alongside each of you in this course. Our weekly conversations were personally enjoyable and informative. I look forward to having the opportunity to learn with you in a future course.

Overall, this class has been a really enjoyable experience for me; each week provided an important perspective into the Business world, But I feel the greatest takeaway was the creation of the week 7 directive.

For me, the lessons learned from the week 7 directive, are completely transferrable to my current career. In my office, drafting, creating, and revising directives can be the business of the day. With the lessons I’ve learned in creating a well-formed directive, I feel that I have a deeper understanding of what’s required both on the tone and on the research required. I also feel this experience gave me more to contribute to my current career path.

In the future, I plan on taking the ‘Fundamentals of Marketing’ course. I believe with my experiences over the past 8 weeks, I’ll be able to approach this next course with a broader business perspective. I also feel that taking these courses back-to-back will give me a greater understanding of business but will also enhance my career development.

In closing, I feel that this course will contribute to my professional growth. I also feel that this course has also given me a larger perspective of how to view business and I’m ready to expand on this knowledge in the next course.

I’d also like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Blanton as well; your insightful guidance and feedback on assignments have personally made this course enjoyable and informative.