What Would YOU do?


A cybersecurity crisis is something that no CIO, CISO, or CEO (or anyone else for that matter) wants to hear. Unfortunately, it is likely at some point in time all organizations will have to go through one. Even private citizens have cybersecurity crises when their information is stolen. For this discussion board, you’ll need to decide what your role is in the organization and respond to the below scenario. You will first need to pick your position in the organization — anything you want from the CEO, CIO, Network Administrator, etc. Then using your knowledge of what the roles and responsibilities are of that position, write about what you would do if faced with the scenario below.

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The scenario is below:

The company you are with is flourishing, Sales are up over 15% for the past quarter and you are extremely happy. Your stock is up quite a bit and the company is taking on more contracts each and every day. Everything is running smoothly and life is good…Then one day, you receive a call from a member of your security team and they are witnessing some strange behavior on the network. They say it looks like there is some suspicious activity on the network. Something about unauthorized ports being accessed and unusual traffic flowing back and forth. You quickly make a few phone calls to see what is going on … your worst fear. Consumer data is being stolen from the file server…you realize this consumer data includes credit card numbers and other personal information that is a treasure trove for the criminal. After some crafty digital forensics, truth comes out that roughly 150,000 customers have had their information stolen thus far. You panic since you know that your company may have upwards of 500 million records of consumer data. From whatever position you chose to play for this discussion board – you need to write about “What do you do?”

Initial Post Guidelines:

1) After reading the scenario, I want you to write about what are your next 4-5 steps to take to effectively manage this crisis. Use the information found in your book on managing a cybersecurity crisis.

3) Your initial post should be in a bulleted list format with a sentence or two for each bullet.

4) If you use any additional resources besides the textbook, ensure you use APA style format to cite your work.

– Business Communication for Success (book file attached)

Chapter 17.3: Crisis Communication Plan, pages 544 – 549

– Deloitte Article (Reference Material attached): This is a good article to pursue and then of course reference in the future if you are looking for some good information on incident response. It was written in 2016 so it is still pertinent.
– Crisis Management Plan: 5 “Must Include” Items for your Crisis Management Plan (melissaagnes.com)
– How Cybercriminals Can Use Your Social Media Activity Against You: (3) How Cybercriminals Can Use Your Social Media Activity Against You – YouTube
– CIA Triad Explained: (3) Understanding Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability – CompTIA Security+ SY0-301: 2.8 – YouTube

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Business Communication for Success
Business Communication for Success
[Author removed at request of original publisher]
Business Communication for Success by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Publisher Information
Chapter 1: Effective Business Communication
1.1 Why Is It Important to Communicate Well?
1.2 What Is Communication?
1.3 Communication in Context
1.4 Your Responsibilities as a Communicator
1.5 Additional Resources
Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message
2.1 What Is Language?
2.2 Messages
2.3 Principles of Verbal Communication
2.4 Language Can be an Obstacle to Communication
2.5 Emphasis Strategies
2.6 Improving Verbal Communication
2.7 Additional Resources
Chapter 3: Understanding Your Audience
3.1 Self-Understanding Is Fundamental to Communication
3.2 Perception
3.3 Differences in Perception
3.4 Getting to Know Your Audience
3.5 Listening and Reading for Understanding
3.6 Additional Resources
Chapter 4: Effective Business Writing
4.1 Oral versus Written Communication
4.2 How Is Writing Learned?
4.3 Good Writing
4.4 Style in Written Communication
4.5 Principles of Written Communication
4.6 Overcoming Barriers to Effective Written Communication
4.7 Additional Resources
Chapter 5: Writing Preparation
5.1 Think, Then Write: Writing Preparation
5.2 A Planning Checklist for Business Messages
5.3 Research and Investigation: Getting Started
5.4 Ethics, Plagiarism, and Reliable Sources
5.5 Completing Your Research and Investigation
5.6 Reading and Analyzing
5.7 Additional Resources
Chapter 6: Writing
6.1 Organization
6.2 Writing Style
6.3 Making an Argument
6.4 Paraphrase and Summary versus Plagiarism
6.5 Additional Resources
Chapter 7: Revising and Presenting Your Writing
7.1 General Revision Points to Consider
7.2 Specific Revision Points to Consider
7.3 Style Revisions
7.4 Evaluating the Work of Others
7.5 Proofreading and Design Evaluation
7.6 Additional Resources
Chapter 8: Feedback in the Writing Process
8.1 Diverse Forms of Feedback
8.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research
8.3 Feedback as an Opportunity
8.4 Additional Resources
Chapter 9: Business Writing in Action
9.1 Text, E-mail, and Netiquette
9.2 Memorandums and Letters
9.3 Business Proposal
9.4 Report
9.5 Résumé
9.6 Sales Message
9.7 Additional Resources
Chapter 10: Developing Business Presentations
10.1 Before You Choose a Topic
10.2 Choosing a Topic
10.3 Finding Resources
10.4 Myths and Realities of Public Speaking
10.5 Overcoming Obstacles in Your Presentation
10.6 Additional Resources
Chapter 11: Nonverbal Delivery
11.1 Principles of Nonverbal Communication
11.2 Types of Nonverbal Communication
11.3 Movement in Your Speech
11.4 Visual Aids
11.5 Nonverbal Strategies for Success with Your Audience
11.6 Additional Resources
Chapter 12: Organization and Outlines
12.1 Rhetorical Situation
12.2 Strategies for Success
12.3 Building a Sample Speech
12.4 Sample Speech Outlines
12.5 Organizing Principles for Your Speech
12.6 Transitions
12.7 Additional Resources
Chapter 13: Presentations to Inform
13.1 Functions of the Presentation to Inform
13.2 Types of Presentations to Inform
13.3 Adapting Your Presentation to Teach
13.4 Diverse Types of Intelligence and Learning Styles
13.5 Preparing Your Speech to Inform
13.6 Creating an Informative Presentation
13.7 Additional Resources
Chapter 14: Presentations to Persuade
14.1 What Is Persuasion?
14.2 Principles of Persuasion
14.3 Functions of the Presentation to Persuade
14.4 Meeting the Listener’s Basic Needs
14.5 Making an Argument
14.6 Speaking Ethically and Avoiding Fallacies
14.7 Sample Persuasive Speech
14.8 Elevator Speech
14.9 Additional Resources
Chapter 15: Business Presentations in Action
15.1 Sound Bites and Quotables
15.2 Telephone/VoIP Communication
15.3 Meetings
15.4 Celebrations: Toasts and Roasts
15.5 Media Interviews
15.6 Introducing a Speaker
15.7 Presenting or Accepting an Award
15.8 Serving as Master of Ceremonies
15.9 Viral Messages
15.10 Additional Resources
Chapter 16: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Business Communication
16.1 Intrapersonal Communication
16.2 Self-Concept and Dimensions of Self
16.3 Interpersonal Needs
16.4 Social Penetration Theory
16.5 Rituals of Conversation and Interviews
16.6 Conflict in the Work Environment
16.7 Additional Resources
Chapter 17: Negative News and Crisis Communication
17.1 Delivering a Negative News Message
17.2 Eliciting Negative News
17.3 Crisis Communication Plan
17.4 Press Conferences
17.5 Additional Resources
Chapter 18: Intercultural and International Business Communication
18.1 Intercultural Communication
18.2 How to Understand Intercultural Communication
18.3 Common Cultural Characteristics
18.4 Divergent Cultural Characteristics
18.5 International Communication and the Global Marketplace
18.6 Styles of Management
18.7 The International Assignment
18.8 Additional Resources
Chapter 19: Group Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership
19.1 What Is a Group?
19.2 Group Life Cycles and Member Roles
19.3 Group Problem Solving
19.4 Business and Professional Meetings
19.5 Teamwork and Leadership
19.6 Additional Resources
Please share your supplementary material!
Publisher Information
Business Communication for Success
is adapted from a work produced and
distributed under a Creative Commons
license (CC BY-NC-SA) in 2010 by a
publisher who has requested that they
and the original author not receive
attribution. This adapted edition is
produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support Initiative.
This adaptation has reformatted the original text, and replaced some images and figures to make the resulting
whole more shareable. This adaptation has not significantly altered or updated the original 2010 text. This work
is made available under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
Chapter 1: Effective Business Communication
Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.
–Rollo May
I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you
heard is not what I meant.
–Robert J. McCloskey, former State Department spokesman
Introductory Exercises
Write five words that express what you want to do and where you want to be a year from now. Take those
five words and write a paragraph that clearly articulates your responses to both “what” and “where.”
Think of five words that express what you want to do and where you want to be five years from now.
Share your five words with your classmates and listen to their responses. What patterns do you observe in
the responses? Write a paragraph that addresses at least one observation.
Communication is an activity, skill, and art that incorporates lessons learned across a wide spectrum of human
knowledge. Perhaps the most time-honored form of communication is storytelling. We’ve told each other stories
for ages to help make sense of our world, anticipate the future, and certainly to entertain ourselves. The art of
storytelling draws on your understanding of yourself, your message, and how you communicate it to an audience
that is simultaneously communicating back to you. Your anticipation, reaction, and adaptation to the process will
determine how successfully you are able to communicate. You were not born knowing how to write or even how
to talk—but in the process of growing up, you have undoubtedly learned how to tell, and how not tell, a story out
loud and in writing.
You didn’t learn to text in a day and didn’t learn all the codes—from LOL (laugh out loud) to BRB (be right
back)—right away. In the same way, learning to communicate well requires you to read and study how others
have expressed themselves, then adapt what you have learned to your present task—whether it is texting a brief
message to a friend, presenting your qualifications in a job interview, or writing a business report. You come to
this text with skills and an understanding that will provide a valuable foundation as we explore the communication
Effective communication takes preparation, practice, and persistence. There are many ways to learn
communication skills; the school of experience, or “hard knocks,” is one of them. But in the business environment,
a “knock” (or lesson learned) may come at the expense of your credibility through a blown presentation to a client.
The classroom environment, with a compilation of information and resources such as a text, can offer you a trial
run where you get to try out new ideas and skills before you have to use them to communicate effectively to make
a sale or form a new partnership. Listening to yourself, or perhaps the comments of others, may help you reflect
on new ways to present, or perceive, thoughts, ideas and concepts. The net result is your growth; ultimately your
ability to communicate in business will improve, opening more doors than you might anticipate.
As you learn the material in this text, each part will contribute to the whole. The degree to which you attend to
2 Business Communication for Success
each part will ultimately help give you the skills, confidence, and preparation to use communication in furthering
your career.
1.1 Why Is It Important to Communicate Well?
Learning Objectives
Recognize the importance of communication in gaining a better understanding of yourself and others.
Explain how communication skills help you solve problems, learn new things, and build your career.
Communication is key to your success—in relationships, in the workplace, as a citizen of your country, and across
your lifetime. Your ability to communicate comes from experience, and experience can be an effective teacher,
but this text and the related business communication course will offer you a wealth of experiences gathered from
professional speakers across their lifetimes. You can learn from the lessons they’ve learned and be a more effective
communicator right out of the gate.
Business communication can be thought of as a problem solving activity in which individuals may address the
following questions:
• What is the situation?
• What are some possible communication strategies?
• What is the best course of action?
• What is the best way to design the chosen message?
• What is the best way to deliver the message?
In this book, we will examine this problem solving process and help you learn to apply it in the kinds of situations
you are likely to encounter over the course of your career.
Communication Influences Your Thinking about Yourself and
We all share a fundamental drive to communicate. Communication can be defined as the process of understanding
and sharing meaning (Pearson & Nelson, 2000). You share meaning in what you say and how you say it, both
in oral and written forms. If you could not communicate, what would life be like? A series of never-ending
frustrations? Not being able to ask for what you need or even to understand the needs of others?
Being unable to communicate might even mean losing a part of yourself, for you communicate your selfconcept—your sense of self and awareness of who you are—in many ways. Do you like to write? Do you find
it easy to make a phone call to a stranger or to speak to a room full of people? Perhaps someone told you that
you don’t speak clearly or your grammar needs improvement. Does that make you more or less likely to want to
4 Business Communication for Success
communicate? For some, it may be a positive challenge, while for others it may be discouraging. But in all cases,
your ability to communicate is central to your self-concept.
Take a look at your clothes. What are the brands you are wearing? What do you think they say about you?
Do you feel that certain styles of shoes, jewelry, tattoos, music, or even automobiles express who you are? Part
of your self-concept may be that you express yourself through texting, or through writing longer documents like
essays and research papers, or through the way you speak.
On the other side of the coin, your communications skills help you to understand others—not just their words,
but also their tone of voice, their nonverbal gestures, or the format of their written documents provide you with
clues about who they are and what their values and priorities may be. Active listening and reading are also part of
being a successful communicator.
Communication Influences How You Learn
When you were an infant, you learned to talk over a period of many months. When you got older, you didn’t learn
to ride a bike, drive a car, or even text a message on your cell phone in one brief moment. You need to begin the
process of improving your speaking and writing with the frame of mind that it will require effort, persistence, and
You learn to speak in public by first having conversations, then by answering questions and expressing your
opinions in class, and finally by preparing and delivering a “stand-up” speech. Similarly, you learn to write by
first learning to read, then by writing and learning to think critically. Your speaking and writing are reflections of
your thoughts, experience, and education. Part of that combination is your level of experience listening to other
speakers, reading documents and styles of writing, and studying formats similar to what you aim to produce.
As you study business communication, you may receive suggestions for improvement and clarification from
speakers and writers more experienced than yourself. Take their suggestions as challenges to improve; don’t give
up when your first speech or first draft does not communicate the message you intend. Stick with it until you get it
right. Your success in communicating is a skill that applies to almost every field of work, and it makes a difference
in your relationships with others.
Remember, luck is simply a combination of preparation and timing. You want to be prepared to communicate
well when given the opportunity. Each time you do a good job, your success will bring more success.
Communication Represents You and Your Employer
You want to make a good first impression on your friends and family, instructors, and employer. They all want
you to convey a positive image, as it reflects on them. In your career, you will represent your business or company
in spoken and written form. Your professionalism and attention to detail will reflect positively on you and set you
up for success.
In both oral and written situations, you will benefit from having the ability to communicate clearly. These are
skills you will use for the rest of your life. Positive improvements in these skills will have a positive impact on
your relationships, your prospects for employment, and your ability to make a difference in the world.
1.1 Why Is It Important to Communicate Well? 5
Communication Skills Are Desired by Business and Industry
Oral and written communication proficiencies are consistently ranked in the top ten desirable skills by employer
surveys year after year. In fact, high-powered business executives sometimes hire consultants to coach them in
sharpening their communication skills. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the
following are the top five personal qualities or skills potential employers seek:
1. Communication skills (verbal and written)
2. Strong work ethic
3. Teamwork skills (works well with others, group communication)
4. Initiative
5. Analytical skills
Knowing this, you can see that one way for you to be successful and increase your promotion potential is to
increase your abilities to speak and write effectively.
Figure 1.1
Effective communication skills are assets that will get you there.
Maryland GovPics – Baltimore Jewish Council Meeting – CC BY 2.0.
In September 2004, the National Commission on Writing for America’s Families, Schools, and Colleges
published a study on 120 human resource directors titled Writing: A Ticket to Work…Or a Ticket Out, A Survey
of Business Leaders. The study found that “writing is both a ‘marker’ of high-skill, high-wage, professional work
and a ‘gatekeeper’ with clear equity implications,” said Bob Kerrey, president of New School University in New
York and chair of the commission. “People unable to express themselves clearly in writing limit their opportunities
for professional, salaried employment.” (The College Board, 2004)
6 Business Communication for Success
On the other end of the spectrum, it is estimated that over forty million Americans are illiterate, or unable to
functionally read or write. If you are reading this book, you may not be part of an at-risk group in need of basic
skill development, but you still may need additional training and practice as you raise your skill level.
An individual with excellent communication skills is an asset to every organization. No matter what career you
plan to pursue, learning to express yourself professionally in speech and in writing will help you get there.
Key Takeaway
Communication forms a part of your self-concept, and it helps you understand yourself and others, solve problems
and learn new things, and build your career.
Imagine that you have been hired to make “cold calls” to ask people whether they are familiar with a new
restaurant that has just opened in your neighborhood. Write a script for the phone call. Ask a classmate to
copresent as you deliver the script orally in class, as if you were making a phone call to the classmate.
Discuss your experience with the rest of the class.
Imagine you have been assigned the task of creating a job description. Identify a job, locate at least two
sample job descriptions, and create one. Please present the job description to the class and note to what
degree communication skills play a role in the tasks or duties you have included.
The College Board. (2004, September). Writing skills necessary for employment, says big business: Writing can
be a ticket to professional jobs, says blue-ribbon group. Retrieved from http://www.writingcommission.org/pr/
National Association of Colleges and Employers. (2009). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved from
National Commission on Writing for America’s Families, Schools, and Colleges. (2004, September). Writing:
A Ticket to Work…Or a Ticket Out, A Survey of Business Leaders. Retrieved from
Pearson, J., & Nelson, P. (2000). An introduction to human communication: understanding and sharing (p. 6).
Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
1.2 What Is Communication?
Learning Objectives
Define communication and describe communication as a process.
Identify and describe the eight essential components of communication.
Identify and describe two models of communication.
Many theories have been proposed to describe, predict, and understand the behaviors and phenomena of which
communication consists. When it comes to communicating in business, we are often less interested in theory than
in making sure our communications generate the desired results. But in order to achieve results, it can be valuable
to understand what communication is and how it works.
Defining Communication
The root of the word “communication” in Latin is communicare, which means to share, or to make common
(Weekley, 1967). Communication is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning (Pearson &
Nelson, 2000).
At the center of our study of communication is the relationship that involves interaction between participants.
This definition serves us well with its emphasis on the process, which we’ll examine in depth across this text, of
coming to understand and share another’s point of view effectively.
The first key word in this definition is process. A process is a dynamic activity that is hard to describe because
it changes (Pearson & Nelson, 2000). Imagine you are alone in your kitchen thinking. Someone you know (say,
your mother) enters the kitchen and you talk briefly. What has changed? Now, imagine that your mother is joined
by someone else, someone you haven’t met before—and this stranger listens intently as you speak, almost as if
you were giving a speech. What has changed? Your perspective might change, and you might watch your words
more closely. The feedback or response from your mother and the stranger (who are, in essence, your audience)
may cause you to reevaluate what you are saying. When we interact, all these factors—and many more—influence
the process of communication.
The second key word is understanding: “To understand is to perceive, to interpret, and to relate our perception
and interpretation to what we already know.” (McLean, 2003) If a friend tells you a story about falling off a bike,
what image comes to mind? Now your friend points out the window and you see a motorcycle lying on the ground.
Understanding the words and the concepts or objects they refer to is an important part of the communication
Next comes the word sharing. Sharing means doing something together with one or more people. You may
share a joint activity, as when you share in compiling a report; or you may benefit jointly from a resource, as when
you and several coworkers share a pizza. In communication, sharing occurs when you convey thoughts, feelings,
8 Business Communication for Success
ideas, or insights to others. You can also share with yourself (a process called intrapersonal communication) when
you bring ideas to consciousness, ponder how you feel about something, or figure out the solution to a problem
and have a classic “Aha!” moment when something becomes clear.
Finally, meaning is what we share through communication. The word “bike” represents both a bicycle and
a short name for a motorcycle. By looking at the context the word is used in and by asking questions, we can
discover the shared meaning of the word and understand the message.
Eight Essential Components of Communication
In order to better understand the communication process, we can break it down into a series of eight essential
1. Source
2. Message
3. Channel
4. Receiver
5. Feedback
6. Environment
7. Context
8. Interference
Each of these eight components serves an integral function in the overall process. Let’s explore them one by one.
The source imagines, creates, and sends the message. In a public speaking situation, the source is the person
giving the speech. He or she conveys the message by sharing new information with the audience. The speaker also
conveys a message through his or her tone of voice, body language, and choice of clothing. The speaker begins
by first determining the message—what to say and how to say it. The second step involves encoding the message
by choosing just the right order or the perfect words to convey the intended meaning. The third step is to present
or send the information to the receiver or audience. Finally, by watching for the audience’s reaction, the source
perceives how well they received the message and responds with clarification or supporting information.
“The message is the stimulus or meaning produced by the source for the receiver or audience.” (McLean, 2005)
When you plan to give a speech or write a report, your message may seem to be only the words you choose
1.2 What Is Communication? 9
that will convey your meaning. But that is just the beginning. The words are brought together with grammar and
organization. You may choose to save your most important point for last. The message also consists of the way
you say it—in a speech, with your tone of voice, your body language, and your appearance—and in a report, with
your writing style, punctuation, and the headings and formatting you choose. In addition, part of the message may
be the environment or context you present it in and the noise that might make your message hard to hear or see.
Imagine, for example, that you are addressing a large audience of sales reps and are aware there is a World
Series game tonight. Your audience might have a hard time settling down, but you may choose to open with, “I
understand there is an important game tonight.” In this way, by expressing verbally something that most people in
your audience are aware of and interested in, you might grasp and focus their attention.
“The channel is the way in which a message or messages travel between source and receiver.” (McLean, 2005)
For example, think of your television. How many channels do you have on your television? Each channel takes
up some space, even in a digital world, in the cable or in the signal that brings the message of each channel to
your home. Television combines an audio signal you hear with a visual signal you see. Together they convey the
message to the receiver or audience. Turn off the volume on your television. Can you still understand what is
happening? Many times you can, because the body language conveys part of the message of the show. Now turn
up the volume but turn around so that you cannot see the television. You can still hear the dialogue and follow the
story line.
Similarly, when you speak or write, you are using a channel to convey your message. Spoken channels include
face-to-face conversations, speeches, telephone conversations and voice mail messages, radio, public address
systems, and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). Written channels include letters, memorandums, purchase
orders, invoices, newspaper and magazine articles, blogs, e-mail, text messages, tweets, and so forth.
“The receiver receives the message from the source, analyzing and interpreting the message in ways both intended
and unintended by the source.” (McLean, 2005) To better understand this component, think of a receiver on a
football team. The quarterback throws the football (message) to a receiver, who must see and interpret where to
catch the ball. The quarterback may intend for the receiver to “catch” his message in one way, but the receiver
may see things differently and miss the football (the intended meaning) altogether.
As a receiver you listen, see, touch, smell, and/or taste to receive a message. Your audience “sizes you up,”
much as you might check them out long before you take the stage or open your mouth. The nonverbal responses
of your listeners can serve as clues on how to adjust your opening. By imagining yourself in their place, you
anticipate what you would look for if you were them. Just as a quarterback plans where the receiver will be in
order to place the ball correctly, you too can recognize the interaction between source and receiver in a business
communication context. All of this happens at the same time, illustrating why and how communication is always
10 Business Communication for Success
When you respond to the source, intentionally or unintentionally, you are giving feedback. Feedback is composed
of messages the receiver sends back to the source. Verbal or nonverbal, all these feedback signals allow the source
to see how well, how accurately (or how poorly and inaccurately) the message was received. Feedback also
provides an opportunity for the receiver or audience to ask for clarification, to agree or disagree, or to indicate
that the source could make the message more interesting. As the amount of feedback increases, the accuracy of
communication also increases (Leavitt & Mueller, 1951).
For example, suppose you are a sales manager participating in a conference call with four sales reps. As the
source, you want to tell the reps to take advantage of the fact that it is World Series season to close sales on
baseball-related sports gear. You state your message, but you hear no replies from your listeners. You might
assume that this means they understood and agreed with you, but later in the month you might be disappointed
to find that very few sales were made. If you followed up your message with a request for feedback (“Does this
make sense? Do any of you have any questions?”) you might have an opportunity to clarify your message, and to
find out whether any of the sales reps believed your suggestion would not work with their customers.
“The environment is the atmosphere, physical and psychological, where you send and receive messages.”
(McLean, 2005) The environment can include the tables, chairs, lighting, and sound equipment that are in the
room. The room itself is an example of the environment. The environment can also include factors like formal
dress, that may indicate whether a discussion is open and caring or more professional and formal. People may be
more likely to have an intimate conversation when they are physically close to each other, and less likely when
they can only see each other from across the room. In that case, they may text each other, itself an intimate form of
communication. The choice to text is influenced by the environment. As a speaker, your environment will impact
and play a role in your speech. It’s always a good idea to go check out where you’ll be speaking before the day of
the actual presentation.
“The context of the communication interaction involves the setting, scene, and expectations of the individuals
involved.” (McLean, 2005) A professional communication context may involve business suits (environmental
cues) that directly or indirectly influence expectations of language and behavior among the participants.
A presentation or discussion does not take place as an isolated event. When you came to class, you came from
somewhere. So did the person seated next to you, as did the instructor. The degree to which the environment is
formal or informal depends on the contextual expectations for communication held by the participants. The person
sitting next to you may be used to informal communication with instructors, but this particular instructor may
be used to verbal and nonverbal displays of respect in the academic environment. You may be used to formal
interactions with instructors as well, and find your classmate’s question of “Hey Teacher, do we have homework
1.2 What Is Communication? 11
today?” as rude and inconsiderate when they see it as normal. The nonverbal response from the instructor will
certainly give you a clue about how they perceive the interaction, both the word choices and how they were said.
Context is all about what people expect from each other, and we often create those expectations out of
environmental cues. Traditional gatherings like weddings or quinceañeras are often formal events. There is a time
for quiet social greetings, a time for silence as the bride walks down the aisle, or the father may have the first
dance with his daughter as she is transformed from a girl to womanhood in the eyes of her community. In either
celebration there may come a time for rambunctious celebration and dancing. You may be called upon to give a
toast, and the wedding or quinceañera context will influence your presentation, timing, and effectiveness.
Figure 1.2
Context is all about what people expect from each other.
Toshihiro Gamo – Marriage Matrix – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
In a business meeting, who speaks first? That probably has some relation to the position and role each person
has outside the meeting. Context plays a very important role in communication, particularly across cultures.
Interference, also called noise, can come from any source. “Interference is anything that blocks or changes the
12 Business Communication for Success
source’s intended meaning of the message.”(McLean, 2005) For example, if you drove a car to work or school,
chances are you were surrounded by noise. Car horns, billboards, or perhaps the radio in your car interrupted your
thoughts, or your conversation with a passenger.
Psychological noise is what happens when your thoughts occupy your attention while you are hearing, or