What is the solution to global poverty


 The paper must include a discussion of the substantive main arguments from at least 3 readings
or movies assigned for the class, plus as many external sources as you wish, provided that they are
from scholarly media, such as books and refereed journals: if you are unsure about a source’s quality,
ask me or a librarian at Newman.
 The paper must argue for or against a definite claim, position, view, opinion, or recommendation. This
is not an exploratory or descriptive essay.

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What is the solution to global poverty
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Don’t need extra sources, just use the documents below.

Here are some important websites:

You also can use the documents of:
-Pogge: “Assisting” the global poor
-Singer: Famine, affluence, and morality
-Robinson 3: The new global economy and the TCC
-Robinson 4: The nation-state and the transnational state