What is a human right?


Choose a concept in Du Bois’s Color and Democracy (e.g., democracy, colonialism, color). Explain howDu Bois uses the concept through exegesis (quoting passages and commenting on those passages). Youressay should have an introductory paragraph as well as a conclusion. Pp. 3-5. Times New Rowman.Double spaced.Turn in an attached Word document by midnight on 7 March. For every day your paper is late, you willlose one point.You do not have that many pages, but your essay should still have a small thesis or suggestion. UseChicago style with full footnotes. No bibliography is required.https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citatio…

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What is a human right?
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Reflection Essay 2
Choose a concept in Du Bois’s Color and Democracy (e.g., democracy, colonialism, color). Explain how Du
Bois uses the concept through exegesis (quoting passages and commenting on those passages). Your
essay should have an introductory paragraph as well as a conclusion. Pp. 3-5. Times New Rowman.
Double spaced.
Turn in an attached Word document by midnight on 7 March. For every day your paper is late, you will
lose one point.
You do not have that many pages, but your essay should still have a small thesis or suggestion. Use
Chicago style with full footnotes. No bibliography is required.

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