week 9 Ehtical and prof. EAB


Imagine you’re starting a new ABA business. You are working on developing your website and looking into marketing.1. What alternative strategies could you utilize to showcase your services and build trust with potential clients besides using testimonials?2. Discuss at least 2 different alternatives and discuss how effective you believe them to be.

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week 9 Ehtical and prof. EAB
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Ethical Standards #4 & #5 Responsibility in
public statements and research
Protecting Rights
•The right to informed consent: Participants in research must be
fully informed about the research procedures, potential risks and
benefits, and their right to withdraw at any time.
•The right to anonymity and confidentiality: The identities of
research participants should be kept confidential, and data
analysis and reporting should not be conducted in a way that
could identify individuals.
•The right to privacy: Individuals have the right to control their
personal information and decide how it is shared.
Protecting Confidentiality
•Implement data security measures: Securely store and manage
research data to prevent unauthorized access or breaches.
•De-identify data: Remove any personal identifiers from data
before analysis or reporting to protect participant anonymity.
•Be mindful of public statements: Avoid sharing personal
information about clients or research participants in public
settings, including presentations, publications, or social media.
Intellectual Property
Copyright: Protects original works of authorship,
including written materials, research findings, and
ABA programs.
Trademark: Protects distinctive markings that identify
the source of products or services, such as logos or
brand names.
Fair use: Allows limited use of copyrighted material
without permission for purposes such as criticism,
commentary, or education.
Proper Use of Intellectual Property
Proper Use of Intellectual Property
Inadequate Use of Intellectual Property
1. Obtaining permission: Always seek permission
from the copyright holder before using their
work in any way beyond fair use.
2. Citing sources: When using copyrighted
material, always cite the original source
appropriately to acknowledge the author’s work.
3. Respecting trademarks: Avoid using
trademarks in a way that might infringe on the
owner’s rights.
1. Plagiarism: Using another person’s work or
ideas as your own without proper attribution.
2. Copyright infringement: Using copyrighted
material without permission from the copyright
3. Trademark infringement: Using a trademark in
a way that might confuse consumers about the
source of a product or service.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Testimonials and
Advertising in ABA
Testimonials and other types of
advertising can be valuable tools
in raising awareness of ABA
These may also raise slight
ethical concerns as well.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Testimonials and Advertising in ABA
Awareness of ABA services
Shows Positive Experiences
Reach a wider audience
Potential for bias – Testimonials may not reflect
the typical experience and could exaggerate the
effectiveness of services.
Ethical concerns – Advertisements should be
accurate, truthful, and avoid false promises
about outcomes.
Ethical Considerations
in Research
Conducting ethical research is
essential in ABA practice.
Let’s look at a few key features:
Ethical Considerations
in Research

Informed consent

Following applicable laws


Risk-benefit analysis

Conflict of Interests
• Behavior Analysis Certification Board. (2020). Ethics Code for Behavior
Analysts. https://bacb.com/wp-content/ethics-code-for-behavior-analysts/

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