Week 7 System Design Specification


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System Design Specification Guide
The system design specification presents the complete system design for an information system and is
the basis for the presentations that complete the systems design phase. Following the presentations,
the project either progresses to the systems development phase, requires additional systems design
work, or is terminated.
System Design Specification
Table of Contents
1. Management summary (20 pts.)
a. Summary of requirements
b. Development to date
c. Provides a current status report
d. Summarizes project costs and benefits
e. Implementation schedule highlights
f. Any issues that management will need to address
2. System Components (40 pts.)
a. System: This section contains the complete design for the new system, including the
user interface, outputs, inputs, files, databases, and network specifications. You should
include source documents, report and screen layouts, DFDs, and all other relevant
documentation. You also should include the requirements for all support processing,
such as backup and recovery, start-up processing, and file retention. If the purchase of a
software package is part of the strategy, you must include any interface information
required between the package and the system you are developing. If you use a CASE
design tool, you can print design diagrams and most other documentation directly from
the tool.
3. System Environment (15 pts.)
a. Constraints, or conditions, affecting the system. Examples of operational constraints
include transaction volumes that must be supported, data storage requirements,
processing schedules, reporting deadlines, and online response times.
b. Requirements that involve operations
c. Hardware (Storage, Input / Output Devices)
d. Systems software, (Interface, Communications or data exchange)
e. Security
4. Implementation requirements (10 pts.)
a. Specify start-up processing
b. Initial data entry or acquisition
c. User training requirements
d. Software test plans
5. Time and cost estimates (15 pts.)
a. Detailed schedules
b. Cost estimates,
c. Staffing requirements
d. Total costs-to-date
6. Additional material
a. Other material can be included at the end of the system design specification. In this
section, you might insert documents from earlier phases if they would be helpful to
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System Design Specification
Table of Contents
1. Management summary
a. Summary of requirements
b. Development to date
c. Provides a current status report
d. Summarizes project costs and benefits
e. Implementation schedule highlights
f. Any issues that management will need to address
2. System Components
a. System
3. System Environment
a. Constraints
b. Requirements
c. Hardware (Storage, Input / Output Devises)
d. Systems software
e. Security
4. Implementation requirements
a. Specify start-up processing
b. Initial data entry or acquisition
c. User training requirements
d. Software test plans
5. Time and cost estimates
a. Detailed schedules
b. Cost estimates,
c. Staffing requirements
d. Total costs-to-date
6. Additional material
a. Other material
1. Management Summary
2. System Components
3. System Environment
4. Implementation Requirements
5. Time and cost estimates
6. Additional Material

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