Week 6 Research Methods



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Week 6 Research Methods
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For this assignment, you will continue working on the Methods section of your hypothetical behavior analytic study. Use the research you completed for the literature review to help you define the independent variable (IV) or intervention that you will use to change the behavior. You will also discuss how you will collect data during baseline and intervention, as well as examine interobserver agreement data.


Complete the following sections of your hypothetical behavior analytic study.


In your Week 3 assignment, you operationally defined your dependent variable and discussed the social significance of the behavior and explained why your research should address it. Include that information in this assignment.

In addition, integrate any feedback you received from your instructor and add information from your literature review to support your chosen target behavior.


Participants and Setting

Integrate any feedback you received from your instructor.


Discuss the appropriate procedure or independent variable used in the hypothetical behavior analytic research study.

Based on the research that you have done, describe the implementation of the intervention (independent variable).
Include a description of how it was implemented for each participant in a specific situation.
Be clear about how the intervention was implemented (technological), rather than just naming the intervention.

Data Collection

Describe the data collection method.

Clearly identify the data recording method (frequency, duration, etc.) used and explain why that method was selected.
Describe the instrument you used for recording the data and why it was selected.
Describe the schedule for data collection you used (when it was collected, where, by whom, etc.).
Describe how baseline data was gathered.

Interobserver Agreement

Examine interobserver agreement (IOA) information.

Discuss what method of interobserver agreement was used.
Explain how it was calculated, the percent of sessions it was collected, and the percent agreement.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for citing and referencing tips.
Length: 5–7 double-spaced pages, not including the title page or reference page.
References: A minimum of four scholarly or professional resources.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment , you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply techniques of behavioral measurement and data display.
Present a complete introduction and participants and settings section.
Describe the procedures used to implement the intervention that is used in the hypothetical study.
Describe the data collection method, including the data recording method, the instrument used for recording the data, schedule for data collection, and how the baseline data is gathered.
Describe the interobserver agreement procedures that is used.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

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Exploring Social Withdrawal in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An
Observational Behavior Analytic Study
First Name MI. Last Name
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Due Date (Month day, year)
Exploring Social Withdrawal in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An
Observational Behavior Analytic Study
The behaviour that has been chosen for this hypothetical behaviour analytic research
study involves the behaviour of “social withdrawal” among the teenagers who are at their
adolescent stage and are suffering from autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Operationally, the
behaviour of social withdrawal is described to be a measurable reduction in the initiated social
interactions, involving behaviours like reduced verbal communication, minimal eye contact as
well as having a preference of solitary activities (Porcelli et al., 2019).
Social significance:
The social value of doing research about the social withdrawal in adolescent teenagers
battling ASD revolves around the impact it has on social development, potentially affecting both
vocational and academic participation in a negative way. These impacts of withdrawal go beyond
just isolation, as revealed in the research studies carried out by Pouw et al., (2013) and White &
Roberson-Nay (2009). These researchers place an emphasis on a compelling relationship
between depression, anxiety and social withdrawal among people suffering from ASD.
The findings from these studies place an emphasis on the complex relationship between mental
health and social problems, unveiling the significant aspects that affect the experiences of the
adolescents diagnosed with ASD. Revealing the complexities related to social withdrawal in this
particular population offers a basis of designing targeted support systems as well as
interventions, that not only aim at preventing withdrawal rates but also improve on the general
Participants and Setting
The participants of this study involve the adolescent teens with the age of 12 to 17 years
who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This particular age bracket is
essential particularly in pointing out the complexities related to social interactions during the
adolescent stage. The recruitment process include collaborating with the ASD educational
institutions, clinics, caregivers, parents as well as educational professionals.
This particular study takes place in a naturalistic and controlled setting i.e., an ASD specific
classroom within a therapeutic intervention center or mainstream school. This environment helps
in balancing the capability to manipulate as well as measure the variables with ecological
validity, thus capturing the genuine social interactions in settings that are important to the daily
lives of the participants.
Procedure- This study uses a carefully developed procedure to help in the observation and
measurement of behaviours related to social withdrawal. The participants of the study take part
in several situations and then their behaviours will be recorded through the use of systematic
observational techniques.
Data Collection-Through the use of behaviour coding sheets, trained observers will record the
scenarios of social withdrawal behaviours. The process of collecting data involves specific
behavioural groups, contexts as well as timestamps.
Interobserver Agreement-To make sure that there is reliability, the interobserver agreement is
calculated through a comparison of the observations from a number of trained observers. A
minimum of eighty percent agreement is considered to be acceptable (Hausman et al., 2022).
Design-An experimental design is utilized, with the study participants acting as their control, and
then measured across varied social settings to evaluate the differences in social withdrawal.
Results-Statistical analysis (i.e., inferential and descriptive statistics) like t-tests and frequency
counts, are used to analyze the collected data. Research results are presented in numerical and
graphical form (Cichoń, 2020).
Validity-The potential confounding study variables are taken into consideration and controlled,
in order to make sure that internal validity is ensured. In addition to that, external validity is
considered via the ecological relevance of the chosen settings.
This particular hypothetical behaviour analytic research study on the social withdrawal in
adolescent teens suffering from ADS offers important insights regarding the observable as well
as measurable aspects of this form of behaviour. The findings offer significant contributions
towards gaining a deeper understanding concerning social development in this chosen
population, placing an emphasis on the need to develop targeted interventions to improve their
participation and general well-being in various aspects of life.
Cichoń, M. (2020). Reporting statistical methods and outcome of statistical analyses in research
articles. Pharmacological Reports, 72, 481-485. https://scihub.se/https://doi.org/10.1007/s43440-020-00110-5
Hausman, N. L., Javed, N., Bednar, M. K., Guell, M., Schaller, E., Nevill, R. E., & Kahng, S.
(2022). Interobserver agreement: A preliminary investigation into how much is enough?.
Journal of applied behavior analysis, 55(2), 357-368. https://scihub.se/https://doi.org/10.1002/jaba.811
Porcelli, S., Van Der Wee, N., van der Werff, S., Aghajani, M., Glennon, J. C., van Heukelum,
S., … & Serretti, A. (2019). Social brain, social dysfunction and social withdrawal.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 97, 10-33.
Pouw, L. B., Rieffe, C., Stockmann, L., & Gadow, K. D. (2013). The link between emotion
regulation, social functioning, and depression in boys with ASD. Research in Autism
Spectrum Disorders, 7(4), 549-556. https://scihub.se/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2013.01.002
White, S. W., & Roberson-Nay, R. (2009). Anxiety, social deficits, and loneliness in youth with
autism spectrum disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 39, 10061013. https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-009-0713-8

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